Census Records
Parish Records
Time Line
mother of Gideon Elias Olsen (1844)
written by Mary Jean Garrison
Marie Dorthea Berg married Jens Olsen in Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark on 23
February 1833. She was 21 years old to the day (she was born on 23 February 1812 in
Michaelis, Frederica, Vejle, Denmark). Although she was born into a family of the
working class, they had been closely associated with the gentleman's society, and one is
left with the distinct impression that they were a refined people. There was enough of the
worker's nobility in them to give Marie the best of all backgrounds, and her life reflected
the generous portion which she inherited from her Danish ancestry.
Denmark is located geographically south of Norway and south southwest of Sweden.
It is made up primarily of a peninsula (comprising 70% of the land mass) called Jutland,
or Jylland, which is surrounded by the seas except for a 42 mile common border with
Germany. In addition there are 482 islands, the largest of which is Zealand, or Sjaelland,
which is the location of Denmark's largest city, Copenhagen. Only 100 of these islands
are populated. Denmark is located on the 55°-57° north latitude, which is north of most
of Canada's populated area. Despite its extreme northern location, Denmark has a mild,
damp climate tempered by the winds from the North Sea. Winter temperatures average
32° and summer temperatures average 63°. It rains most of the year, but there may be
twenty to thirty days of snow which melts very quickly. There are frequent fogs and mists
which arise from the sea. Denmark's highest point is 568 feet above sea level. It covers an
area 250 miles east to west, and 225 miles north to south.
Denmark is made up of small productive farms, gently rolling hills, but no mountains.
The west coast is defined by the North Sea and ridges of glistening white sand
dunes. Aalborg, where Jens and Marie lived, is part of the northern flat plains area which
was leveled by ancient glaciers. Travelers to Denmark would see many blue lakes,
farmhomes with red or blue tiled or thatched roofs, storks, castles, and windmills, and
cobblestone streets.
The earliest known ancestor of Marie Dorthea Berg appeared on the large eastern
island of Sjelland in a parish just north of Copenhagen called Kongens Lyngby, or the
king's moor (or heath) town. It was called Kongens Lyngby because it was part of the
crownlands from old times.
In the beginning of the 18th century, Hr. Grev (Count) Carl Ahlefeldt built Sorgen-
fri Slot (meaning palace, or manor house "free from sorrow, grief, or worry") in
Kongens-Lyngby. It was surrounded by gardens and parks and had a concrete floor and a
little spire in the center of the building which was surrounded by several office buildings.
Niels Andersen Langelaender, Marie's earliest known ancestor, first appeared in the
parish records of Kongens Lyngby about 1710, about the same time that Sorgenfri Slot
was being built. He was the only person listed on the 1720 tax list from Sorgenfri. He
was listed as a follower and supporter of Hr. Grev Ahlefeldt and as a judge at court from
time to time until his retirement or discharge.
Hr. Grev Ahlefeldt had previously had an estate in Langelaend. Perhaps Niels
Andersen Langelaender came with him from Langelaend to Sorgenfri, as his surname
would indicate, or perhaps he became employed at the manor house after it was built and
was thus designated as Langelaender because that is where the Count had come from. It
seems reasonable to assume that Niels himself came from Langelaend (meaning long
island) since he is called Langelaender, and since we have been unable to establish his
birth in Kongens Lyngby. The name Langelaender stayed with the family for at least
three generations.
By the early 1720's Niels had moved out of Sorgenfri into the nearby town of Lyngby.
He had a wife and three children at this time. The reason for his leaving the employ of
Hr. Grev Ahlefeldt is not known, but presumably the count had sold the manor house by
this time and had gone on to other places. Niels had a family and probably chose to stay
settled in Lyngby rather than continue to follow the count around the country.
Niels' second child, Mathis (or Mathias) Nielsen Langelaender, was born 14 March
1717 in Sorgenfri. The child's mother, Anne Margrete Christophersen, died before he
was eight years old and his father, Niels, married for a second time. Niels Andersen
Langelaender died in 1740 leaving a third wife to inherit his estate.
Mathias Nielsen married for the first time when he was about twenty-five years old.
His wife had six children. Three were stillborn. He married again after the death of his
first wife. His second wife had two children. (The first died in infancy.) She died shortly
after the birth of her second baby.
Mathias married for a third time. His wife had two children (losing one to death) and
died, probably in childbirth. By this time Mathias was forty-four years old. He had been
widowed three times. He had been given ten children: only five of them were living.
Imagine his grief at the loss of his three wives and five children. His two oldest daughters
were ages sixteen and twelve. They must have been a great comfort and help to him.
Mathias seems to have been a highly respected citizen of Lyngby as he appears as a
witness at countless christenings in the parish. He was a church worker, but it isn't known
in exactly what sense. He was called "gartner" in one parish entry, so perhaps he was the
grounds keeper, though it seems likely that his responsibilities extended beyond that as
evidenced by his appearance at so many christenings.
One man who seems to be a close associate of Mathias Nielsen, a Peder Hansen, had a
younger daughter of about nineteen years of age named Maren. Mathias must have taken
a fancy to her. and considered her a fit mother for his five children. He married her in
1762. He was forty-five years old and she was twenty. Mathias and Maren were blessed
with ten children, four of whom died before the age of eight. The last one was born in
1782 when Mathias was sixty-five years old. In sixty-five years he had been blessed with
four wives and twenty children. Eleven grew to adulthood. After the death of her
husband in 1784, Maren Pedersen married for a second lime and gave birth to one more
It was now the latter part of the 18th century and Danish laws were becoming more
relaxed. People were no longer required to stay on the land where they had been born
and a great migration began to take place. The daughter of Mathias Nielsen and Maren
Pedersen, Maria Mathiasen, born 19 July 1772 in Kongens-Lyngby, left the home of her
childhood and moved into the city of Copenhagen. Perhaps others of her family went
with her as they seem to disappear out of Kongens-Lyngby parish about that time.
Copenhagen (meaning merchants' harbour) was the main port city of Denmark and
seemed to be a place of refuge for immigrants from European countries, principally
Germany. Copenhagen had a garrison for German soldiers with a parish there called
Garnisons Kirk, or the garrison church. It was in this parish that Maria Mathiasen and
Christopher Berg were married. Family tradition states that Christopher Berg was a
German soldier, but the only evidence to support such a claim is the fact that he was
married in Gamisons Kirk. Chnstopher was the son of Ole Christophersen Berg and
Johanne Birgette Chnstophersen Ronne. He was born 30 August 1775 in Vor Frue,
Copenhagen Ole was forty-eight years old when Christopher was born. Perhaps Ole or
his wife Johanne, or both, were immigrants from Germany in support of the family
tradition, but there is not as yet any evidence to support the claim.
At the christening of Christopher Berg, his father's occupation was given as servant.
All of the witnesses at the christening were people of great prominence - town adminis-
trators of justice and their wives. This would suggest that Ole Christophersen was
employed as a domestic servant in the home of one of these prominent families. He
would have been called a gentleman's servant.
By 1777 Ole Christophersen Berg had moved with his wife and small son to a new
location in Copenhagen. He had taken employment as a porter in Almindeligt Hospital.
Between the years 1777 and 1784, five daughters were born to the family. Ole was
fifty-seven years old at the birth of his last child.
On 13 May 1799 Christopher Berg, a day laborer or working man, married Maria
Mathiasen in Garnisons Kirk, Copenhagen. He was twenty-four years old; she was
twenty- seven. By 1801 Christopher was working as a carpenter's apprentice and they had
one son named Ole. A second son was born to them two days before Christmas in 1801,
Ditlev Mathias. The witnesses at his christening were also very prominent people which
suggests that Maria may have been doing domestic work in the home of some prominent
family. Christopher and Maria were living in Trinitatis parish in Copenhagen at that time.
In 1804 another son, Jens, was born. He died shortly thereafter. When a fourth son was
born in 1806, he was also named Jens, the custom then being to name children after a
previous child who had died. At the christening of this child Maria's surname was given
as Langelaender which identified her conclusively as the Maria Mathiasen of
Kongens-Lyngby whose father was Mathias Nielsen Langelaender.
Karl Axel Jacob was born in 1808 in Copenhagen. Within a year or two, Christ-
opher's apprenticeship was complete and he was free to leave Copenhagen. He undoub-
tedly chose to take his family where he felt that he could find the most work. In 1812
they were living in Fredericia, Vejle, another large city located centrally along the
coastline of the main peninsula of Denmark. It was there that Marie Dorthea Berg was
born on 23 February 1812. Marie was the only daughter in the family. She must have
been much loved by her older brothers and by her parents.
The Bergs did not live for very long in Fredericia. Christopher had become a master
carpenter, and in May 1813 he look out a trade license in Aalborg City located on the
northern tip of the peninsula. After settling in Aalborg, two more sons were born to the
family—Christopher in 1815, and Jens Nicolai about 1818. Christopher Berg died on 26
January 1824 at the age of forty-eight leaving his entire estate to his widow, Maria
Mathiasen. Maria was perhaps comforted by the fact that she still had four living sons
and her daughter Marie to care for her. When her oldest living son Ditlev married in 1831
he continued to take watchful care of his widowed mother. By 1834 he had taken her (she
was now sixty-three years old) and his two younger brothers into his home. He had
followed his father's occupation and was by then a master carpenter. The two brothers
worked for him, Christopher (the older one) as a carpenter, and Jens (the younger one) as
an apprentice carpenter.
The only daughter, Marie Dorthea, married Jens Olsen on 23 February 1833. An
unconfirmed family tradition says that she had been employed in the home of the royal
family living in Aalborg prior to her marriage. Jens had come to Denmark as a
soldier and had settled in Aalborg where he practiced his trade as a tailor. There were
few relatives in Aalborg. Marie had her brother Ditlev arid his family, her widowed
mother and two younger brothers. Jens had no relatives there. Marie's mother Maria
became ill in her late sixties and was placed in a hospital for the aged. She spent at least
ten years there until her death in September 1851 at the age of seventy-nine.
Eight children were born to Marie Dorthea Berg and Jens Olsen. Only five lived past
infancy- Barbara, Christopher, Julia, Waldemar, and Gideon. The family were Luthe-
ran because of the Danish law that all citizens must belong to the Lutheran Church,
which was the state Church at that time. When the law was changed in 1849 allowing
other religions to proselyte in Denmark, the Mormon missionaries were sent into Aalborg
to establish a branch of the Church.
Jens and Marie Dorthea opened their home to the missionaries. By the time their last
child Johannes was born in June of 1850 they had become disassociated from the
Lutheran church to the extent that they did not have him christened as was the usual
custom to do. The baby, Johannes, died on 16 November 1850 and the next day, on 17
November 1850, Mane Dorthea and her daughter Barbara were baptized. A few months
later both Christopher and Julia were baptized. Gideon was baptized at the age of nine in
1853. Marie's husband, Jens, never joined the Church. However, they continued to
entertain the missionaries in their home and to call for their administrations whenever
there was sickness in the family. Marie Dorthea Berg died at the age of forty on 7
September 1853, just three years after she had joined the Church.
Marie must have taught her children well for they were all stalwarts in the Church
with the exception of Julia. She was perhaps as strong as the others in the beginning, but
she went to Norway with her father after her mother's death where she married out of the
Church and subsequently fell into total inactivity. All the others emigrated to Utah where
they were among the faithful pioneers who established a strong religion and community
in the west.
Sorgenfri Slot
Source of Information
The foregoing biography is an excerpt from the following and is used here by permission
of the author:
A Family History
Gideon Elias Olsen (1844 - 1919)
Scandinavian Immigrant
Compiled by Mary Jean Garrison (1983) (email: maryjgarrison@earthlink.net)
[vii. 381p.: ill., facsims,; geneal. tables, maps, ports.]
pp. 17 - 23
(JSMB FAMHIST Book 929.273 OL8g)
(FHL US/CAN Film 1035727 Item 10)
1834 Census
All persons in the household
Aalborg, Fleskum, Alborg, Aalborg, En familie,, 371, FT-1834
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in the household, Occupation, Place of birth
30 person(s) found
Christen Olsen, 33, Gift, Institutbestyrer,,
Christiane Margrethe Nielsen, 22 Gift, Hans kone,,
Niels Olsen, 3, Ugift, Deres born,,
Marie Oline Olsen, 1, Ugift, Deres born,,
Mariane Lorenze Schmith, 27, Ugift,, Tjenestepige,,
Carl Frederch Ferdinand Eibe, 15, Ugift,, Propritaersonner for tiden elever i mit institut
og logerer i mit huus,,
fritz Eibe, 12, Ugift,, Propritaersonner for tiden elever i mit institut og logerer i mit huus,,
Edvard Ludvig Steinthal, 13, Ugift,, Propritaersonner for tiden elever i mit institut og
logerer i mit huus,,
Otto Morritz Steinthal, 12, Ugift,,Propritaersonner for tiden elever i mit institut og
logerer i mit huus,,
Mathias Jorgensen, 36, Gift,, Mester ved jernstobereit,,
Zidsel Poulsen, 35, Gift,, Hans kone,,
Peder Jensen, 26, Gift,, Arbeider ved jernstobereit,,
Anne Marie Lassen, 34, Gift,, Hans kone,,
Jens Gaardmann, 34, Gift,, Toldbetjent,,
Sophie Schjott, 35, Gift,, Hans kone,,
Georg Gaardmann, 8, Ugift,, Deres born,,
Sorene Gaardmann, 6, Ugift,, Deres born,,
Ane Aistrup, 21, Ugift,, Tjenestepige,,
Peder Wilsen, 41, Gift,, Bossemager,,
Maria Jensen, 44, Gift,, Hans kone,,
Lars Peter Wilsen, 18, Ugift,, Deres son i laere hos faderen,,
Marie Wilsen, 11, Ugift,, Deres datter,,
Jens Olsen, 27, Gift,, Skraedermester,,
Maria Berg, 22, Gift,, Hans kone,,
Barbara Olsen, 1, Ugift,, Deres datter,,
Christen Larsen, 34, Gift,, Daglonner,,
Kirstine Jensdatter, 29, Gift,, Hans kone,,
Else Jensdatter, 52, Enke(mand),, Lever af at vaske,,
Christen Olsen, 18, Ugift,, Hendes son,,
Hans Erich Hansen, 59, Enke(mand),, Forhen kjobmand men nu lever af enkelte gode
menrskres undestottelse,,
hans = his
kone = wife
deres = your
datter = daughter
gift = married
ugift = single
Skraedermester = master tailor
1834 Census - Aalborg Parish
A house
Dithlev Mathias Berg, 32, master joiner.
Ane Magrethe, 27, his wife.
Peder Christopher, 2, their son.
Marie Berg, 63, widov, his mother.
Christopher Berg, 19, single, journeyman joiner.
Jens Nicolai Berg, 16, apprentice.
Else Marie Nielsdatter, 40, single, laborer.
Halvor Peter Petersen, 19, single, her son [Else Marie], journeyman weaver.
Ellen Sophie Petersen, 14, her daughter.
Gabriel Mouritz Petersen, 11, her son.
Joseph Petersen, 6, her son.
Marie Kierstine, 4, her daughter.
1840 Census - Aalborg City
A house in the western part of Algaden, #390
Jens Olsen, 33, master tailor.
Maria Dorthea, 27, wife.
Barbara Jensine, 6, child.
Julie, 2, child.
Christoph Marius, 4, child.
Asbjoern Andersen, 21, single, apprentice tailor.
Ole Nielsen, 17, single, apprentice tailor.
Ane Catherine Larsen, 20, single, servent.
1845 Census - Aalborg
Maren Mathiasen, widov, born in Lyngby-Copengagen, 73 yo, living at the hospital.
1845 Census
All persons in the household
Aalborg, Fleskum, Aalborg Kobstad, Allgaden Nordre Side, No. 390,, 77, FT-1845,
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in the household, Occupation, Place of birth
11 persons found
Jens Olsen, 38, Gift,, Skraedder, Frederiksdahl [Norge],
Dorthea Maria, 32 gift,, hans kone, Fredericia,
Babera, 12,-,,deres Barn, Aalborg,
Christopher, 10,-,, deres Barn, Aalborg,
Julie, 7-,, deres Barn, Aalborg,
Waldemar, 3,-,, deres Barn, Aalborg,
Guddi Elias, 1,-,, deres Barn, Aalborg,
Ole Nielsen, 25, Ugift,, Laeredreng, Aalborg,
Jens Nielsen, 17, Ugift,, Laeredreng, Aalborg,
Christian Klitgaard, 16, Ugift,,Laeredreng, Klitgaard,
Christiane Jorgensen, 33, Ugift,, Tjenestepige, Aalborg,
barn = child
1850 Census - Aalborg City
A house in Adelgade, #390:
Jens Olesen, 44, Frederiksstad, master tailor.
Marie Berg, 37, Fredericia, wife.
Barbara, 16, Aalborg, child.
Christopher, 14, Aalborg, child.
Julie, 11, Aalborg, child.
Valdemar, 7, Aalborg, child.
Gudi, 5, Aalborg, child.
1855 Census - Aalborg City
A house in Algade, #390:
Jens Olesen, 49, Norway, master tailor.
Julie, 17, Aalborg, daughter and housekeeper.
Guddi Elias, 11, Aalborg, child.
Research done by Professional Researcher
Per Jessen
Rise Bygade 3, 1.sal
DK-6230 Roedekro
ICQ: 26046243
Phone: (+45) 74661916
(email: jessen13@worldonline.dk & per.jessen@private.dk)
July 2001
Married 23 Feb 1833 in Vor Frue Church (Our Saviours Church):
Bachelor and Journeyman tailor, 26 yo (years old). Married to
Unmarried, 20 yo. Sponsers: master tailor Ingstrup and innkeeper Jacob Jensen
Born 24 Apr 1833 in Aalborg, christened 23 Jun in church;
Daughter of master tailor Jens Olesen and wife Marie Dorothea Berg in
Skolegade (street name). Sponsers: Madame Qvist, Miss Muenster, chancellery
member and city bailiff Woelfferdt, senior lieutenant Bluhme and trade clerk
Jelstrup. Birth was reported 26 Apr and the mother introduced in the church
26 may.
Commentery by researcher:
It's very interesting that 'fine' people like the city bailiff was listed among the sponsers.
Normally not the sponsers found at the christening of a tailors daughter. I will have to
study the sponsers at other christenings in Aalborg to find out if that was extremely
I found something about Bluhme. He was born in 1792 in Middelfart, died 1859 in
Copenhagen. Most of his life he lived in Aalborg. He was in charge of the draft in the
Aalborg region. There was nothing listed about him being connected to the king, nor the
horse guard or any other regiment in Copenhagen. The others could be hard to find any
info about. I checked other sponsers and it was normally not common to have that 'fine'
people among the sponsers. I found only a few examples of it. I thought it would be a
good idea to check the sponsers at the other childrens birth.
The confirmation record of Barbara could be interesting. Normally the record list a
vaccination date and a doctor that vaccinated the child against smallpox. If the
vaccination was done in Copenhagen or by a doctor from that region then it could be a
trace. Unfortunately the record only had a date and it was shortly after the birth.
Confirmed 11 Apr 1847:
Daughter of master tailor Jens Olesen and wife Mariane Dorthea Berg. Born 24
Apr 1833 and christened 23 Jun 1833. Vaccinated 23 Jun 1833.
Died 7 Sep 1853 in Aalborg, buried 9 Sep 1853:
Maiden name Berg. Wife of master tailor Olsen in Adelgade. Mormon. Died 40.
Born 8 Dec 1835 in Aalborg, christened 23 Dec 1835 at home and 17 Apr 1836
in church:
Son of master tailor Jens Olesen and wife Marie Dorothea Berg in Skolegade.
Sponsers: baker H. Ravnkilde's wife, Miss Groennerup, master tailor Nyeborg, P.
Stidsgaard, master baker Harhorn, all from Aalborg.
Born 21 Feb 1838 in Aalborg, christened 10 Jun 1838:
Daughter of master tailor Jens Olesen and wife Marie Dorothea Berg in
Skolegade. Sponsers: Consul Hansen's wife, Miss Bluhme, chancellery member
Woelfferdt, grocer Schjoerring and head clerk Nissen, all from Aalborg.
- Again very 'fine' sponsers
Unable to find Valdemar in the Buldolfi aand Vor Frue records. He should have been
born about 1842.
Born 8 may 1844 in Aalborg, christened 28 Jul 1844:
Son of master tailor Jens Olesen and wife Marie Dorothea Bergh in Adelgade.
Sponsers: his parents, midwife madame Kiersgaard, master joiner Berg, all
from Aalborg.
Married 30 Oct 1853:
Bachelor, 22 1/2 yo. Serving and living at Skjoldagergade #1 [Skjoldsgade ?]
Married to:
Unmarried, 20 1/2 yo From Aalborg. Sponsers: grocer J. Pedersen Noer and master
tailor O.N. Lilienqvist.
Siblings of Maria Berg
Born 30 Aug 1815, christened 29 Sep 1815 at home:
Son of joiner Christopher Berg and Marie Mathisdatter. Sponsers: miss
Castannie, miss Galster, grocer Qvist, Printer Berg and joiner Holm.
(Confirmation record [1829] found in Vor Frue Parish Records)
No records found for Karl Axel Jacob (may have died young before confirmation) nor
confirmation records for Marie Dorthea Berg. She should have been confirmed about
1826 but not listed in Aalborg records.
Died 26 Jan 1824 in Aalborg, buried 2 Feb 1824:
Master joiner Christopher Berg, 48 yo.
There is no doubt about the family must have stayed in Aalborg all the time, since their
arrival (1812 - 1815), but what happened to Marie Dorthea ? She was close to 12 years
old when her father died. Maybe she left home to serve outside Aalborg. But she is back
in 1833 when she married Jens Olsen. She is not listed in the Fredericia confirmation
records either.
1812 0 born 23 Feb in Fredericia, Vejle
1813 1 father takes out a trade license in Aalborg
1814 2
1815 3 brother Christopher born in Aalborg
christened 29 Sep at home in Aalborg
1816 4 brother Carl born
1817 5
1818 6 brother Jens Nicolai born in Aalborg
1819 7
1820 8
1821 9
1822 10
1823 11
1824 12 26 Jan - father dies in Aalborg
2 Feb - father buried in Aalborg
1825 13
1826 14
1827 15
1828 16
1829 17 brother Christopher confirmed in aalborg
1830 18
1831 19 brother Ditlev maries - 1 May
1832 20
1833 21 23 Feb - maries Jens Olsen in Aalborg;
24 Apr - daughter Barbara born in Aalborg
26 Apr - birth reported
26 May - mother introduced in the church
23 Jun - daughter Barbara vaccinated and christened in Aalborg
1834 22 living at #371 Algaden (Aalborg)
21 Nov - son Christopher Marinus born in Aalborg (Skolegaden)
13 Dec - son Christopher Marinus christened
18 Dec - son Christopher Marinus dies
1835 23 son Christopher Marinus born 8 Dec in Aalborg (namesake son)
23 Dec christened at home
1836 24 Christopher Marinus christened at church 17 Apr in Aalborg
1837 24
1838 25 daughter Julie born 21 Feb in Aalborg
christened 10 Jun in Aalborg
1839 26
1840 27 living at #390 Algaden (Aalborg)
6 Mar - son Waldemar born
24 Dec - son Waldemar dies
1841 28
1842 29 16 Feb - son Waldemar Christian born (dies in St. Louis in 1854)
15 May - son Waldemar Christian christened
1843 30
1844 31 son Guddi Elias born 8 may in Aalborg
christened 28 Jul in Aalborg
1845 32 living at #390 algaden (Aalborg)
1846 33
1847 34 11 Apr - daughter Barbara confirmed in Aalborg
1848 35
1849 36
1850 37 living at #390 Adelgade (Aalborg)
son Johannes born - 14 Jun
16 Nov - son Johannes dies
17 Nov - baptized in Mormon Church along with daughter Barbara
1851 38 Sep - mother Maria dies in Aalborg hospital (age 79)
1852 39
1853 40 son Gideon baptized into Mormon Church
6 Aug - brother Ditlev dies
7 Sep - dies in Aalborg;
9 Sep - buried in Aalborg
30 Oct - daughter Barbara maries Christian John Larsen in Copenhagen

Jens Olsen

Temple Ordinance Card
Go to Larsen History Index
Descendents Page
Christian John Larsen History (son-in-law)
Barbara Jensine Dorthea Olsen Larsen History (daughter)
Christopher Marinus Olsen (son)
Christian Waldemar Olsen (son)
Gideon Elias Olsen (son)
Julia Olsen (daughter)
King Christian IX
Danish Demographic Database
Danish Records Database