Left Denmark via Liverpool, England on the ship Jesse Munn 3 Jan 1854, arriving at New Orleans on 16 Feb 1854. Lars Johansen age 59 wife, Anna Margrethe Sorensen Johansen age 57 son, Christian John Larsen age 23 his wife, Barbara Dorthea Olsen Larsen age 21 her brother, Waldemar Christian Olsen age 12 son, Soren Larsen age 32 his wife, Marie Fredericksen Larsen age 23 Jessie Munn Ship: 875 tons: 142' x 29' x 23' Built: 1852 at Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada On 3 January 1854 a company of 335 Scandinavian and German Latter-day Saints sailed from Liverpool aboard the chartered square-rigger Jessie Munn, one of many Canadian- built vessels sold to English owners. Elder Christian Larsen presided over the emigrants, and Captain John Duckitt commanded the ship. After a "prosperous" voyage, during which ten children and two adults died and three couples were married, the vessel arrived at New Orleans on 20 February-a passage of forty-eight days. The ship's name has been spelled "Jesse Munn" and "Jessie Munn" in different sources; however, the Liverpool registration and Lloyd's Register record the latter spelling. This three-master had one deck and a poop deck, a square stern, and a figurehead of a woman's bust. Principal owners of the ship were H. T. Wilson and John Duckitt, her master. In 1868 the Jessie Munn was abandoned at St. Peter's Bank.
Christopher Olsen (Barbara Dorthea Olsen Larsen's brother)may have come in 1853 on the ship Forest Monarch. He was already in Weber when they arrived in September 1854. On board the "Forest Monarch" was a Christoffer Olsen age 17, a Laborer. Extract from Mormon Immigration Index (CD ROM) OLSEN, Christoffer <1836> Age: 17 Origin: Germany; Occupation: Laborer Note: CRPF #88, Extracted from Original Passenger List Ship: Monarch Date of Departure: 16 Jan 1853 Port of Departure: Liverpool, England LDS Immigrants: 297 Church Leader: John E. Forsgren Date of Arrival: 16 Mar 1853 Port of Arrival: New Orleans, Louisiana Sources: Customs (FHL #200,173)
Another brother, Gideon (Gudi) Elias Olsen left Norway in April 1863 and came to Utah. Extract from Mormon Immigration Index (CD ROM) Ship: Antarctic Date of Departure: 23 May 1863 Port of Departure: Liverpool, England LDS Immigrants: 486 Church Leader: John Needham Date of Arrival: 10 Jul 1863 Port of Arrival: Nerw York, New York Sources: BMR, Book #1047, pp. 257-276 (FHL #025,691)Customs (FHL #703 (FJL #175,587.
CHRISTIAN GRICE LARSEN Christian Grice Larsen (age 28) (his wife) Caroline Maria Sorensen Larsen (age 28) Johannes Larsen (age 33) (his wife) Anna Jorgensen Larsen (age 31) 4 children Lauritz Larsen (age 23) (his wife) Maria Thompson Larsen (age 23) After five years of missionary work he received an honorable release and permission to emigrate to Zion in the spring of 1857. He crossed the Atlantic Ocean on the ship West Moreland, sailing from Liverpool on April 25th. There were 544 Saints on board, mostly Scandinavians. They were under the supervision of Mathias F. Cowley. The Saints were divided into four companies under the supervision of Elders George W. Thurston, Lorenzo D. Rudd, Christian G. Larsen, and Carl C.M. Dorius. The discipline was very strict. The Saints went to bed between nine and ten o'clock and arose about five in the morning and had prayers. On Sundays they had fasting and preaching. Schools were organized to teach the people to speak English. A musical company was formed and they danced and had socials. The voyage lasted 36 days. The company arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 31, 1857. They were received by Elder Angus M. Cannon. He made the necessary arrangements for their journey through the states, and on the 2nd of June they continued by rail from Philadelphia via Baltimore and wheeling. They arrived safely in Iowa City, Iowa on July 9, 1857. ("Thus on the wind-swept, Westmoreland Ship: 999 tons: 170' x 36' x 18' Built: 1851 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania With 544 Latter-day Saint passengers, the full-rigged Westmoreland of Philadelphia sailed from Liverpool on 25 April 1857. Of this company 540 were from Scandinavia, and four missionaries were returning from Great Britain: Elders Matthias Cowley, Lorenzo D. Judd, Henry Lunt, and George W. Thurston. Elder Cowley presided over the emigrants with Henry Lunt and Ola N. Liljenquist as his counselors. Among the emigrants was C. C. A. Christensen, the famous Mormon painter. Master of the vessel was Captain Robert R. Decan. He had considerable experience at sea. before assuming command of the Westmoreland in 1854. For example, in 1848 he skippered the 339-ton bark Sultana; in 1849, the 624-ton ship Champlain; in 1851, the 738-ton ship Shenandoah; and in 1852, the 816-ton ship Saranak. Most of the vessels ran out of Philadelphia. The crossing was one of harmony and good feeling among the emigrants. During the voyage an old man and two small children died. Five couples were married, and a baby was born and appropriately named for the master and ship-Decan Westmoreland Goff.After a thirty-six day passage the emigrants landed at Philadelphia on 31 May. The Westmoreland was owned by John Burton and John R. Penrose of Philadelphia. She was a two-decker with three masts, a square stern, a figurehead, and was built of oak with iron and copper fastenings. In 1873 the vessel was wrecked by fire and sold at auction.
MAREN LARSEN Maren Larsen (age 18) Passenger List (Maren is listed near the bottom of the list as # 426 and is grouped with a Hans Peter Larsen family) James NesmithShip: 991 tons: 171' x 36' x 18' Built: 1850 at Thomaston, Maine On 7 January 1855 a company of 440 Scandinavian Saints-about 300 of which had survived a particularly stormy voyage from Copenhagen to England aboard the steamer Cimbria-sailed from Liverpool in the ship James Nesmith. Elder Peter O. Hansen presided over the emigrants. Captain Harvey Mills skippered the vessel. This master had previously commanded the 200-ton brig Thomas & Edward in 1846 for the Dispatch Line and the 199-ton brig Ellis in 1847 for the New Line. The passenger manifest listed thirteen deaths during the crossing. On 23 February the square-rigger arrived at New Orleans after a forty-seven- day passage. Eight of the thirteen owners of this ship were from Thomaston-"The Town of a Hundred Captains." These owners included two members of the noted seafaring Watts family, Captain Mills from St. George, Maine, and James Nesmith of New York, for whom the vessel was named. This three-master had two decks, no galleries, a square stem, a billethead, and hailed out of New York. In 1864 she was sold to foreigners.
Left England via Liverpool on the ship Underwriter on 23 Apr 1861.
Arrived in New York City 5 weeks later. Thomas Edward Titensor age 37 wife, Sarah Robbins Titensor age 32 daughter, Susannah Titensor age 6 son, George Titensor age 4 daughter, Mary Ellen Titensor age 2 daughter, Sarah Titensor age 1 Extract from Mormon Immigration Index (CD ROM) TITENSOR, Thomas <1830> Age: 31; Occupation: Iron Turner TITENSOR, Sarah <1830> Age: 31; Occupation: Wife TITENSOR, Susannah <1855> Age: 6 TITENSOR, Mary Ellen <1859> Age: 2 TITENSOR, Sarah <1860> Age: 1 Note: BMR, p. 41 "Infant" (EECI) Ship: Underwriter Date of Departure: 23 Apr 1861 Port of Departure: Liverpool, England LDS Immigrants: 624 Church Leader: Milo Andrus Date of Arrival: 21 May 1861 Port of Arrival: New York, New York Sources: BMR, Book #1047, pp. 17 - 44 (FHL #025,691) Customs (FHL #175,567) UNDERWRITER Ship: 1168 tons: 183' x 37' x 30' Built: 1850 by Westervelt and Mackey at New York City, New York In three voyages the clipper ship Underwriter skippered by Captain John Pratt Roberts, carried a total of 1243 Latter-day Saints across the Atlantic. The first passage began at Liverpool on 21 January 1858 and ended seven weeks later at New York on 11 March. Among the twenty-five Mormons on board were Presiding Elder Henry Harriman, Brigham H. Young, John S. Smith, and James H. Browning. The second voyage also originated at Liverpool on 30 March 1860. Elder James D. Ross and his counselors, James Taylor and John Croft, presided over the 594 Mormon passengers. Seventy of the emigrants came from Switzerland and the remainder from Great Britain. During the crossing there were four deaths and four weddings. After a thirty-two -day passage the Underwriter arrived at New York on 1 May. On 23 April 1861 this ship sailed from Liverpool for the third time with a company of Mormon emigrants. Elder Milo Andrus presided over the 624 Saints. He was assisted by Homer Duncan and Charles W. Penrose. The emigrants were divided into nine wards, including a separate ward for unmarried men. Before departure Apostles Amasa M. Lyman, Charles C. Rich, and George Q. Cannon came aboard and gave the emigrating Saints their instructions and blessing. During the voyage two children died, and two marriages were performed. After a twenty-nine-day crossing -- a relatively fast passage -- the clipper ship arrived at New York on 21 May. The Underwriter ran in the Red Star Line for sixteen years. Her Atlantic crossings averaged thirty-three days. She was built with a round stern, a full-length figurehead, and three decks. Her principal owner was Robert Kermit of New York City. In 1879 the vessel was sold to foreign owners. It is said that the ship received her name in appreciation for the generosity of marine insurance companies in settling claims from some previous packet wrecks. (from "Ships, Saints, & Mariners -- A Maritime Encyclopedia of Mormon Migration 1830-1890" by Conway B. Sonne, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 1987.)
Other TITENSOR/ROBBINS IMMIGRANTS The following relatives of Sarah Robbins Titensor were also immigrants brother, George Robbins (died in St. Louis) Extract from Mormon Immigration Index (CD ROM) ROBBINS, George <1820> Age: 27; Occupation: Mechanic Ship: Empire (arrived July 1847) sister, Alice Robbins (died on the plains) sister, Susannah Robbins Allsop (age 31) - died on the plains about 6 Aug 1854 [may have been a member of the Browne Company] her husband, John Allsop Two of Susannah Robbins Allsop's 3 children died at sea (twins) Extract from Mormon Immigration Index (CD ROM) ALLSOP, John <1823> Age: 31; Origin: Manchester; Occupation: Chair Maker ALLSOP, Susannah <1822> Age: 32; Origin: Manchester Note: BMR, p. 79 and p. 87 Ship: Marshfield Date of Departure: 8 Apr 1854 Port of Departure: Liverpool, England LDS Immigrants: 366 Church Leader: William Taylor Date of Arrival: 29 May 1854 Port of Arrival: New Orleans, Louisiana Sources: BMR, Book #1040, pp. 63-82 (FHL #025,690) Customs #227 Extract from Journal of Thomas F. Fisher Good Friday, 14th. [April 1854] Ship rolling heavily. Many of the Saints greatly afflicted with seasickness, several quite prostrated. Assisted to administer to some of the worst cases. Prayers at 7 a.m. Few attended on account of the violent seasickness. The beds and bedding and the sick got on deck for the purpose of airing. My wife and family quite well. This afternoon Sister [Susannah] Allsop was safely relieved of twins. One died in the birth. Mother and surviving child, a boy, doing well. (They are from the Manchester Conference.) Prayers at 8 p.m.
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