5th. Brother K.H. Bruhn and I proceeded to "Store Lime" where we held a meeting in Brother Henningsen's house, where several strangers were present. I blessed two children, and we had an enjoyable time together. 6th. I visited some of the saints in their homes, and held a meeting with them in the evening in the home of Brother Niels Larsen. 7th. Brother K. H. Bruhn and I went to Fredericia. 8th. I fasted that day and visited among the saints, encouraging and teaching them to serve God and remain faithful. 9th. I arranged the record book for our branch before going to comfort the saints and to conference. In the afternoon I held a meeting with the saints and enjoined upon them the importance of attending to prayer and living up to the requirements of the Gospel during our absence. In the afternoon I crossed over to Fyne in company with K. H. Bruhn and my brother Johannes, and held meeting at Lars Jensen's. At the close of the meeting he arose and asked for baptism, and declared that he believed this doctrine was from God. His daughter, Karen, also requested baptism, and I administered that holy ordinance to them and in the evening and also confirmed them by the laying on of hands. At a meeting that was held the same evening we organized the members into a branch of the church naming it the "Fredericia Branch" and ordained Lars Jensen a priest and set him apart as its president; Ebbe Jessen we ordained a teacher, to assist the president. We partook jointly of the sacrament and we had a feast of rejoicing together. There were several strangers present and we bore our testimony forcible to them, but some of them were not convinced, while others were. 10th. As soon as I arose in the morning, a girl came in and asked for baptism, and at once got ready and baptized her and also confirmed her, by the laying on of hands. After this was done, we, Jens Larsen, K.H. Bruhn, and Lars Nielsenand myself started on our journey for Copenhagen to attend the conference there. We were taken in a wagon to Middlefart, from whence we went on foot to Odense, where we arrived late in the evening and took lodgings for the night. 12th. We walked to a village Frankerup where lived some of the saints, who received us and made us welcome. Jens Nielsen, K.H. Bruhn and Jens Larsen went with a sister to a place called Soudre Overdrev, while I remained to hold a meeting with the saints in Frankerup, in the house of Brother Andersen and I there administered the ordinance of laying on of hands on four persons, and afterwards I administered the sacrament and also spoke to them, feeling that I was under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and we all felt grateful to God for His blessings. 13th. Brother Jensen accompanied me to Soudre Overdrev and on the way we visited a family and explained the principles of the Gospel to them. When we left, he head of that family accompanied us to the meeting that was held that same evening in the house of Brother Jacobsen, in Soudre Overdrev. There had existed some difficulties among the saints in that neighborhood, but by the help of God we succeeded in brining these people to see their wrongs and repent, and a feeling of mutual forgiveness took possession of them all. After I had talked to them a while, I administered the sacrament to them and a good feeling seemed to prevail all around. About half past one o'clock in the morning we left the people to proceed on foot to Roeskilde, and some of them went with us on the way to Roeskilde, where we took the train for Copenhagen and arrived the re at two o'clock in the afternoon. 14th, Friday. That evening there was a council meeting and we there met many brethren who had come in to attend conference and it was a happy meeting. 15th, Saturday. I attended conference. Apostle E. Snow presided. It was moved and carried by a unanimous vote that South Jutland (now called Schleswig) together with the island of Funen and surrounding districts be organized into a conference, called Fredericia Conference and that Christian Larsen was to preside over the same, and that William Andersen, Jens Hansen, and F. C. Sorensen labor in that conference as missionaries under Elder Larsen's direction. 16th. Likewise, that Aalborg district be organized as a conference, named Aalborg Conference, and that Elder Christian Christiansen preside over the same. That the saints in Copenhagen district be organized into a conference called Copenhagen Conference and that Elder John E. Forsgreen preside over the same. In the afternoon I occupied a short time speaking. It was moved by President E. Snow in the meeting the previous day that William Andersen should be ordained an Elder and Jens Hansen to the office of Priest and it was so done, and accepted by unanimous consent. This conference was held in a hall in Lille Kongensgade and the large room was full to overflowing and an excellent spirit prevailed. President Snow offered the benediction at the close of the meeting. 17th. Meetings were held in the afternoon and evening and I, like the other brethren who had been on missions, gave report of our experiences and our labors in the field. President Snow gave us much valuable instruction, and under his hands I was blessed and set apart for my mission as president of Fredericia Conference. 18th. In company with several other brethren I was invited and took dinner with a Brother Petersen, and in the afternoon at 3 o'clock I took steamer for Aalborg, together with Brother H. P. Jensen and we arrived in that city the next morning about 9 o'clock. 19th. I wrote a letter to Elder Chr. Christiansen. In the evening I attended a council meeting and I was requested to visit a certain sister Poulsen, who had denied the faith, and to try to bring her back to the fold. Brother Jens Thomson was to go with me on this errand. I was also requested to visit the saints in Kjeld Gaard before I returned to Fredericia. I offered up the benediction at the close of the meeting. 20th. My betrothed girl and I were taken in a wagon to Kjeld Gaard, by Brother Knud Nielsen. 21st. We visited the saints in Kjeld Gaard and had a fine time with them. 22nd. I wrote a letter to Sister Serine Simmonden in Store Lime. 23rd. This day I fasted and held a meeting at Niels Mikkelsen's and we partook of the sacrament together. I preached, encouraging the saints to be faithful to the , covenant. In the evening we had a prayer meeting and the spirit of God was in our midst and we were blessed. 24th, Monday. Brother Knud Nielsen took my betrothed and me to Aalborg. After arriving there. Brother Jens Thomson and I went to see Sister Poulsen, but we did not find her at home. We visited Frederic Nielsen and administered to his wife, who was sick. In the evening I attended council meeting; opened with prayer and made some remarks and administered to Sister Olsen who was sick. 25th. I wrote a letter to S. Thomsen. Frederick Nielsen came and informed me that his wife was very sick, and at his request, Brother Jens Thomsen and I went with him to his home. At our arrival there we discerned by the spirit that his wife was possessed of an evil spirit, and I asked the brethren present to exercise all their faith that the Lord might give us power over it. We then placed our hands upon her head and commanded the evil spirit to depart from her, in the name of Jesus Christ, and while the evil spirit did convulse her in all parts of her body and she was gnashing her teeth, the evil spirit did leave her. Afterwards Brother Nielsen told us that the same evil spirit came very near overpowering him also, because he doubted in the effect of our administration. Sister Nielsen told us afterwards, when she had recovered, that she saw a big black dog lying on her bed across her feet, staring with its big eyes out through the window. After this, we went to the before mentioned Sister Poulsen in order to settle some difficulties between her and Sister Nielsen, but we found her very stubborn and refused to go with us to Sister Nielsen to straighten up. At last she promised to be at home the next day that we might bring Sister Nielsen to her house. Brother Nielsen was a good man but he, like several others who had left the Baptist organization, was occasionally in fear that he had made a mistake by that step, but from that time, when his wife was so miraculously healed, I never afterwards heard of any doubt on his part. Everything will serve for good to those who love the Lord. 26th. Brother Jens Thomsen and I were called upon to administer to Sister Nielsen who was sick. Afterwards we went to Sister Poulsen but we did not find her at home. From there we went to Sister Frederick Nielsen, who was not quite well and then we went to Sister Poulsen again, but she had not returned home, and consequently their difficulties were not settled that day. In the evening I attended the council meeting, opened with prayer and gave report of our visit to Kjeldgaard, and talked to the brethren some. Two brethren from Lundsten, were reported in transgression and instead of confessing and repenting, they asked to be cut off from the church, and I moved that their request should be complied with, and it was. I anointed and blessed Brother John Bohn and Sister Barbara Olsen (my betrothed) as they were sick. 27th. I went to North Sundby and attended prayer meeting and spoke to the saints concerning my mission to South Jutland, Fredericia and the island, Fyen. 28th. I returned to Aalborg and Brother Jens Thomsen and I were requested to anoint and bless Sister Frederick Fredericksen, and the Lord did answer our prayer, for she was healed. From there we went to Frederick Nielsen and again to Sister Poulsen, but we did not find her at home. In the evening we attended a prayer meeting and had a good time. 29th. We visited Sister Poulsen again and we tried much to prevail on her to go with us to Sister Nielsen, who was still too feeble to walk over to her, but she was very stubborn and would not yield, I had talked plainly to each of them separately in their respective homes and stated what likely would be the consequences if they did not submit and settle their difficulties. When we came to Sister Olsen, we found her sick, but after administering to her, she got well. 30th. I wrote a letter to the saints in Brous. Attended meeting and in the forenoon, I offered the dedicatory prayer and in the afternoon I blessed Brother Bohn's child, and together with Elder H.P. Jensen blessed several persons and administered the sacrament. I also addressed the saints that afternoon and the spirit rested upon us in great measure. This was a Sunday. DECEMBER, 1851 1st. Brother H. P. Jensen gave me two dollars (50 cents each) to help me on my journey and I took leave of the saints in Aalborg and started by the stage for Fredericia, via Hobro, and I conversed freely with my travelling companions on the way to the last named place. 2nd. I walked to Flesoer, where Brother Jense Thomson was a missionary. We, jointly, visited a family where we found opportunity to speak to several persons about our doctrines. 3rd, Wednesday. I wrote two letters and in the evening we held a meeting, where quite a crowd of people were in attendance. I had many questions to answer, but succeeded in satisfying the people and praised God for His assistance. 4th. I left Brother Thomson and walked to Skanderborg, where I stayed over night. 5th. I walked to Greis, where I met Brother F. C. Sorensen at my parent's home. 6th. I wrote a letter to Elder George P. Dykes, in Hamburg, and spent the remainder of the day in reading. 7th, Sunday. I wrote a letter to Pres. Snow and also held a meeting in the house of my parents, where we also partook of the sacrament. In the evening I baptized and confirmed Rasmus Johansen (for many years after coming to Utah, Bishop in Provo -- he was like the man that Philip converted and baptized. See Acts 8th). We had a very enjoyable time together. 8th and 9th. I spent by reading and also wrote letters to my betrothed girl and Brother Christen Larsen. 10th. I walked to Store Lime and held a meeting in the house of Christen Madsen, and afterwards I confirmed him and his wife as members of the church and likewise Sister Hemmesen. I also blessed Chr. Madsen's child and ordained Brother Niels Beck a Priest, to have charge of the saints in that locality. 11th. After having visited a few of the saints, I went to Orstingaard and thence to Greis, where I attended a prayer meeting in the evening in the home of my parents and a very good spirit prevailed. 12th. I went to Ziersback, to Brother Rasmus Johansen, In the evening and baptized his wife and confirmed her by the laying on of hands, and I also blessed their child. 13th. I blessed two of their children and then went to Fredericia. 14th. I preached in the meetings, both in the forenoon and in the afternoon, and a good spirit prevailed. In the evening we held a council meeting and it was there decided that a conference should be held in Fredericia the following 24th and 25th of December. 15th. I wrote letters to Pres E. Snow, John E. Forsgreen and Chr. Christiansen. 16th. I spent part of the day in reading and had also some conversation with visitors about the Gospel. I crossed over to Fyen in the evening and spent the night at Lars Jensen's. 17th. He accompanied me to several places that day, and we conversed with folks about the Gospel, and we finally reached Rasmus Nielsen, and had a long conversation with them also. They accepted our testimony and we had an enjoyable time with them. 18th, Thursday. The wife of Rasmus Nielsen went with us in a wagon to Lars Jensen's and he baptized her. We held a meeting in the evening and after I had explained to them the ordinance of the laying on of hands, I confirmed her a member of the church under that ordinance and we felt very grateful to the Lord for His blessings. 19th. I had talked with several persons concerning the Gospel that day, and two of them were baptized soon after. 20th. I baptized Anna Sophie Larsen and afterwards went to Fredericia, where I assisted by Brother Ebbe Jessen fixed up the records of that branch. 21st, Sunday. I fasted that day and was called to come over to Fyen, where I then baptized Rasmus Nielsen, and in the afternoon we held a meeting, where I instructed the saints in their duties towards God and each other, and then I confirmed Rasmus Nielsen a member of the church, by the laying on of hands, and also Sophie Larsen. In the evening we had a sacrament meeting with the saints. Later I baptized Lars Jacobsen and a widow by name Anna and after explaining the ordinance, I confirmed them by the laying on of hands, and we felt to praise God for the progress of his work. 22nd. I wrote to my girl, and also to the saints in Brous, and also conversed with some strangers, to whom I bore my testimony of the Gospel. 23rd. I visited a family on the island of Fyen, and found them acceptable for my testimony. 24th. I was at Brother Rasmus Nielsen, and had a chance to speak with a stranger about the Gospel and afterwards I went to Lars Jensen's and we held a meeting there in the evening. 25th. This day, our appointed conference commenced at 10 a.m. My brother Johannes Larsen was ordained an Elder, and sustained as president of the Greis Branch, and Lars Jensen was also ordained an Elder, to preside over the Fredericia Branch. Elder F. C. Sorensen was appointed to labor in the two branches; Greis and Store Lime, and Niels R. Beck as his assistant. My brother Lauritz Larsen, was ordained a Priest and Rasmus Johansen was ordained a Deacon, both of them to labor in Greis Branch, and Niels Larsen was ordained a Deacon, to labor in Store Lime Branch; Ebbe Jessen and Jens Jensen were ordained Priests; Soren lversen and J. Jacobsen were ordained Teachers, and Jess Jessen was ordained a Deacon, all these to labor in the Fredericia Branch; Elder William Andersen and Priest Jens Hansen were appointed to labor in Fyen. Finally I ordained all these brethren, and we had a very enjoyable time. Some of these ordinations were performed on the 26th, and Jesse Jessen acted as clerk, and he assisted me in arranging the records. 27th. We had a council meeting in the evening. 28th. I held a meeting that day -- a Sunday -- on the island of Fyen. 29th, Monday. I had that day opportunities to converse with quite a few strangers about the principles of the Gospel. 30th. Brother Lars Jensen and I went to a priest. Fours Mejlby, and we had quite a lengthy conversation with him upon religion, but he, like most all others who pretend to be learned, was very stubborn and angry before we left him. I bore my testimony to him with all the power I possessed that Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet of God and that our Doctrines, as promulgated by him, was the true gospel of Christ. In the evening we held a meeting in the house of Brother Lars Jensen. 31st. I wrote some that day and also preached to a family, explaining to them the principles of the Gospel. JANUARY, 1852 1st. I went over to Fredericia and attended a prayer meeting in the evening. 2nd. I wrote a letter to my girl and held a meeting in the evening. 3rd. I went over to Fyen and held meeting there in the evening. I wrote a letter to Elder Chr. Christiansen that day. 4th, Sunday. Brother Lars Jensen brought me to Brother Rasmus Nielsen, and we held a sacramental meeting and also blessed two children and afterwards we returned to Brother Lars Jensen's home. 5th. I wrote a letter to Elder George P. Dykes and my brother Chr. G. Larsen and later I went to Fredericia, where I attended a council meeting in the evening, where we excommunicated a brother from the church. Several of the brethren were appointed to go out in the surrounding country districts to offer the Gospel, to the people. 6th. I had an opportunity to talk to some of our friends, who had some faith in our doctrines. 7th. I visited some of the saints that day and in the evening I attended a meeting and spoke to them. 8th. I crossed over to Fyen twice that day, and answered some questions that had come up. 9th. I went to Parson Fous, in the city Middelfart, delivering the "Scandinavian Star, " and I had a brief talk with him, but he would only rail against Joseph Smith's character. 10th. This day I had opportunities to bear my testimony to many strangers. 11th. I returned to Fredericia and held meetings there, both in the afternoon and in the evening and administered the sacrament. 12th. I had the opportunity to speak to two families, and in the evening I attended a council meeting, speaking to the brethren of the priesthood. 13th. I walked to Greis where I arrived at 4 p.m. and put up with my parents. 14th. My two brothers, Johannes and Lauritz, accompanied me to Vindelev, where we held a large meeting, but we found much opposition and abuse in words by some of the people, yet no violence. After the meeting, we blessed two of Brother Ericksen's children. 15th, 16th, and 17th. I stayed at home with my parents and studied. 18th. I went to Store Lime and held a sacrament meeting with the saints. In the evening held a council meeting, helped settling some difficulties that had arisen among the members -- Christen Christensen and a shoemaker N. N. 19th. Elder F. C. Sorensen and I blessed three persons that were sick. We also admonished and encouraged Christen Madsen and his wife, who were apparently wavering in their faith. 20th. We went to Balle, to some saints, and blessed a sick child. 21st. I held a meeting with these people and I spoke. 22nd. I visited some of the saints in their homes, we visited also some on Oesteng Gaard (East Meadow Estate), and from there we went to Greis to my parents. 23rd. I visited the saints in Tirspek. 24th. Returned to my parents in Greis. 25th. In company with my brothers, Johannes and Lauritz and Brother Winberg, I held a meeting at Brother Ericksen's in Vindelev, and in the afternoon we held sacrament meeting in the house of my parents. In the evening we held a meeting at Brother Rasmus Johansen's in Tirspek, and we had a large congregation and the spirit of God, in a goodly degree, was present. 26th. In company with Brother Winberg and Andersen, I went to Fredericia. We held a council meeting in the evening. A brother Jens Jensen, asked to be released from his office and it was done. The other brethren spoke and I offered the benediction. 27th. This day we had Gospel conversations with several strangers. 28th. I wrote a letter to my girl and in the evening we had a meeting. The other brethren were the speakers. 29th and 30th. I wrote correspondence to the "Scandinavian Star", and I also visited some people, explaining the Gospel to them. 31st. I went to Fredericia, where I found opportunities to converse with several people concerning our doctrine and faith. FEBRUARY, 1852 1st. I held a meeting in our hall, preaching and also administering the sacrament. 2nd. I crossed over to Fyen and went back in the evening, attending a council meeting. I spoke to the brethren present. 3rd. I visited some strangers and explained the principles of the Gospel to them. 4th. I wrote a letter to President E, Snow and also to my betrothed girl. In the evening I attended a meeting -- opened with prayer and afterwards I spoke to the saints. 5th and 6th. I spent in Fyen, reading. I wrote a letter to Brother Rasmus Nielsen. 7th, Saturday. I walked to Osstrup Korup, to Brother Hans Jorgensen, arriving there at 4 p. m. 8th. I went to church in Osstrup, and I had the opportunity to converse with a number of the people concerning our doctrine, but the most of them were very stubborn. We held, however, a meeting at Brother Hans Jorgensen's afterwards, at which some strangers were present, but later a mob surrounded the house with a view to harm us, but Niels Hansen and I escaped through a private passage and concealed ourselves on the loft, where we remained while the mob was searching for us everywhere, both in the house end outside, and finally gave it up. 9th. About 2 o'clock that morning, Niels Hansen and I went to Carl________________, a blacksmith, and baptized him and his wife. After that ordinance was through, I explained to them their duties and obligations as saints, and then I confirmed them members of the church by the laying on of hands and blessed three of their children. At 4 o'clock we left them and went to Rasmus Nielsen's. May- the Lord add Hs blessings to our labors. 10th. I went to Brother Lars Jensen, in Strip and stayed there over night. 11th. I crossed over to Fredericia and from there I continued my way to Greis to my parents. 12th. I went to Store Lihme and held a meeting there in the evening. 13th. I went to Ostengaard, and administered to Sister Maria Hansen, who was sick, and afterwards I went to Greis and administered to my father who was sick. 14th. I walked to Fredericia. 15th, Sunday. Held a prayer meeting in the forenoon, and in the afternoon held meeting in our new hall. Many strangers were present and I and some of the other brethren spoke. Crossed over to Fynen and had meeting with the saints there and we partook of the sacrament together and I encouraged the saints. 16th. Brother Lars Jensen took me to Odense in his wagon, and from there I walked to Nyberg. 17th. From there I took steamer to Korsoer and stayed there over night. 18th. I walked from Korsoer to Roeskilde and . . . 19th. I took the train for Copenhagen. I called on some of the saints, and attended a council meeting in the evening. 20th. The conference convened in the afternoon, Erastus Snow presiding. 21st. Also attended the conference this day. Much valuable instruction was given for the advancement of the work of God in Scandinavia. 22nd. We had a very interesting time this day. I was again sustained as president for Fredericia Conference. President Snow announced that he had been released by President Brigham Young and advised to bring some of the Scandinavian saints with him home to Utah. In the evening I attended council meeting, and Elder William Andersen and Jens Hansen were re-appointed to labor in the Fredericia Conference, and Brother Nielsen was ordained a Priest and assigned to labor in that conference also. I did the ordination, and I also ordained Brother N. C. Dorius an Elder. Several brethren occupied the time in speaking and we had a very enjoyable time together. 23rd. I visited with some of the saints that day and in the evening attended a meeting. 24th. I had this day an opportunity to bear my testimony about the Gospel to M. Jorgen, the weaver. In the afternoon we had a love feast for the saints and some friends, about 300 persons being present, and we continued the meeting during the evening. Many of us native brethren spoke, and President E. Snow and Elder J. E. Forsgreen gave much valuable and instructive advice to the saints. This was the first feast of that kind ever held in Scandinavia, and we felt greatly- blessed. 25th. I wrote letters to my girl and to my brother, Christen Larsen and N. Backe, and in the evening I attended council meeting where we received much valuable instruction. 26th. We, Larse Jense, Johannes Larsen and I were out among the people to obtain signatures to a petition, which was to be presented to the Dist -- Rigsdagen. 27th. I went out to Brunby East, in Amager, to visit Jens Knudsen, and 28th. I returned to Copenhagen. 29th. I attended meeting and occupied a portion of the time in speaking, and I also confirmed two persons by the laying on of hands, assisted by Elders William Andersen and P. Sorensen. President E. Snow imparted also much valuable instruction to the saints, as well as to strangers. MARCH, 1852 1st, I visited some of the saints and in the evening I attended a council meeting. 2nd. We went out to Brunby Easter and stayed out there over night by some of the saints. 3rd. We took the train to Roeskilde and from there we walked to a large estate called Skjeldenesholm, where one of our sisters served; her name, Salome Sehroder. We had some conversation with the people about the Gospel, while we stayed there. 5th. One of the servants took us by team to the town Rindgated and from there we walked to Soundre Overdrev and were made comfortable among the saints there. 6th, Saturday. We visited the saints in that branch, who lived scattered in a forest. We held a meeting in the evening with some people not members, and we blessed one person who was sick. 7th, Sunday. We held meetings in the afternoon and evening and also administered and partook of the sacrament. All of us spoke in these meetings and we enjoyed a goodly portion of the Holy Spirit, and we all felt that we were greatly blessed. 8th. Brother K. H. Bruhn and I went with Brother S. Christoffersen to his home in the neighboring village and stayed there over night. 9th. I went to a village called Frankerup to Brother Ole Olsen and held a meeting there. I blessed Sister Olsen and they felt very greatful to the Lord for his blessings. I went to Nyberg and in the evening held a meeting at Brother Fested. Some strangers were present and I bore my testimony to them and the saints felt much blessed. 10th. I went to the saints in Trustrup and I there confirmed Sister Karen.