Autobiography of Christian J. Larsen, con't.
(June 28, 1851 - November 4, 1851)
June 28th. After having visited some of the saints, Brother Jens Thomsen and
I proceeded to Kjeldgaard.
June 29th, Sunday. We had a sacrament meeting with the saints, and afterwards
I baptized Niels Mikkelsen.
June 30th, we went to Skustrup and Gistrup but found nobody at home, wherefore
we returned to Aalborg. We found Elder Dykes had returned home from England,
but that he had to go on board the same steamer that brought him, because the mob
had gathered again with a special view of doing him harm.
JULY, 1851
1st. Elder Dykes and H.P. Jensen, the branch president, left for Copenhagen.
I held a day of fasting.
2nd. I visited and encouraged the saints; in the evening attended council meeting.
We were all very grateful to Heavenly Father who had shielded us from bodily harm
under all these mob disturbances and I am a living witness to the beneficial effects it
all had upon the saints, in strengthening them in their faith and perseverance and in
drawing them nearer to God and one another, and from that time they were much more
firm in the faith and although I was very young in years and also In the Church, I was
able to help some of them along, especially those who had formerly been Baptists,
and these persecutions also had awakened more interest in our faith among the people,
and many who had been more or less indifferent had begun to investigate our doctrine
and to attend our meetings.
3rd. I wrote a letter to Elder J. E. Forsgreen and also one to Brother Domgaard.
Went afterwards to North Sundby and held a prayer meeting in the evening.
4th. I blessed the following children of Brother 1. P. Jensen who were sick:
Trine, Nanne, Jorgen, and Frederik, also wrote a letter for Sister Beckstrom.
5th. Went to Aalborg where I received a letter from Elder P. 0. Hansen which
I answered immediately.
6th. I fasted and attended a sacrament meeting in the house of Brother S. Thomson
and preached to the saints. I also administered to a sick sister from Hasris.
7th. I wrote letters to Elder Dykes and to my brother Christen and to a Brother
Meyer. In the evening I attended council meeting and offered the opening prayer.
8th. I wrote the saints in Hals, encouraging them; also a letter for Sister Olsen
to Sister Bohn. Prayer meeting in the evening, where I used some of the time in
9th. Wrote a letter and then went to North Sundby, where I met Elder P. 0. Hansen,
who had arrived from Copenhagen and had sent for me to come. While waiting for the
ferry boat, that should bring me across the fjord, I heard one of the ferrymen say that
they would push me overboard into the water and one of them approached me within
a few feet, no doubt to carry out the threat, yet I stood calm and with prayer to God in
my heart and the man retreated like a dog to his seat, and none of them uttered a word
to me afterwards.
10th, Thursday. Elder P. 0. Hansen and I went to Aalborg and I wrote a letter
to somebody.
11th. I visited some of the saints and in the evening attended prayer meeting.
12th. I, in company with Elder P.O. Hansen, visited with the saints.
13th, Sunday. I wrote a letter to Sister Jacobsen; afterwards held meeting and
jointly we administered the sacrament. Elder P. 0. Hansen brought words from
Pres. E. Snow, that he wanted me to come to Copenhagen along with Elder Hansen,
and I therefore expressed my thanks to the saints for their kindness towards me
during the period of time that I had been with them. The saints provided me with
the passage money, and we had a very happy day together.
14th. I took a final leave of the saints in Aalborg and at 5 o'clock the steamer
left the wharf.
15th. Arrived in Copenhagen next morning at 8 o'clock. I wrote letters to Soren
Thomson and to my parents. Later I was in company with Elder Dykes and other
brethren and we had a happy time together, by singing and conversations. In the
evening I attended a prayer meeting in the home of Rasmus Andersen and talked to
the saints there.
16th. In company with Elder H.P. Jensen I visited a Mr. Maler. He admitted
that our doctrines were very reasonable in many respects. Later in the day we went
to Amager, a suburb of the capitol, and conversed with several persons, but found
much opposition from them.
17th. Visited some of the saints and in the evening attended a meeting, where I
bore my testimony and preached by request of Brother Forsgreen.
18th. I wrote a letter to my parents and in the evening I attended council meeting.
19th. I wrote a letter of encouragement to the saints in Aalborg.
20th. I attended a meeting; preached and administered the sacrament.
21st. In company with Brother H.P. Jensen I visited and preached to Knudsen
in Brondby-Easten. He was married to a sister H.P. Jensen.
22nd. Went to Copenhagen and conversed with some strangers. In the evening
attended a prayer meeting.
23rd. Wrote a letter to my betrothed girl and also one to Brother Freese.
Attended the ordinance of baptism in the evening.
24th. I preached to some strangers in a meeting; in the evening I attended council
meeting where I and Brother William Andersen were appointed to go to Wreslosemagle
the following Sunday.
26th. I wrote to my sweetheart and in the evening I preached to some strangers
on Amager. I baptized a widow, Christine Christensen that night.
27th. In company with Brother William Andersen, I went to Wreslosemagle and
held a small meeting; we distributed some tracts among the people, and then we
returned to Brondby-Easten, where we remained over night.
28th. We went into the city (Copenhagen) and some of the saints were in a park
called Sondermark, where we had a picnic and singing and prayer. There was that
day an eclipse of the sun. In the evening I attended a council meeting, where I gave
a report concerning a brother who had requested to be cut off from the church.
29th. I wrote a letter to my sweetheart and in the evening attended prayer meeting.
30th. I visited several of the saints and administered consolation to some who were
low in spirit.
31st. In the evening, in a meeting, I preached to some strangers.
AUGUST, 1851
1st. In the evening attended council meeting and I was there appointed to go to
Hichholm, in company with Brother Linberg, next Sunday, to hold meeting.
2nd. I wrote to the saints in Aalborg and Hals. In the evening I baptized P.
Danielsen and his wife and also a girl, Caroline Samuelsen. On the way home from
baptism, some mobbers pelted us with stones, but none of us were hurt, thanks to
3rd. Sunday. Brother Linberg and I proceeded to Herchholm to hold meeting with
the saints and administer the sacrament. After meeting we took the passage on a
steamer for Copenhagen. I found out that Pres. Erastus Snow had arrived from
England and that he had gone to railroad station to meet Elder Dykes who had come
in from the country and I, therefore, also went down there.
4th. I found opportunity to bear my testimony to several families of strangers.
5th. I wrote a letter to my sweetheart, Barbara, and afterwards I visited and
blessed Brother Christensen in Brand Street. In the evening I attended a prayer
6th. I went to Brondby-Easter and conversed with Jens Knudsen and family about
the Gospel. In the evening I had a long conversation with a Mrs. Nielsen in the city.
7th. I wrote a letter to my brother Johannes, and in company with Elder Dykes,
visited some of the saints. Attended a meeting in the evening.
8th. Spent the day in visiting among the saints. In company with Elder Dykes went
to council meeting where I was appointed in company with H.P. Jensen and F. F. Dorius
to go to Hirchholm the following Sunday to preach the Gospel.
9th. I wrote to my beloved Barbara and to the saints in Aalborg. Later in the day
went by steamer to Hirchholm.
10th. Elder H.P. Jensen, Dorius and I conversed with several families upon the
principles of the Gospel and distributed some tracts among them.
11th. Brother Dorius and I were out tracting among the people.
12th. We went on foot to Copenhagen, and on the way we visited a family of
Baptists; we found them unwilling to accept our testimony, yet they gave us dinner.
In the afternoon, a number of the saints assembled on the park, Frederiksberg, and
we had a very enjoyable time. Erastus Snow spoke to us. In the evening I baptized
a man by name Ibsen.
13th. I had a conversation with a woman who did say that she would be baptized
as soon as she could have an opportunity to have it done. I went next to Jens Knudsen
in Brondby-Easter, where I spent the whole afternoon in explanation of the principles
of the Gospel to him and his family, and they agreed to be baptized. About 11 o'clock
that night we went to a place called "Lamhuset" where I baptized Jens Knudsen and
his wife and a son. It was then 12 o'clock.
14th. I went to town (Copenhagen) and spent the day visiting among the saints and
in attending meeting.
15th. Visited among the saints and attended meeting in the evening.
16th. I wrote a letter to Barbara Olsen, my intended wife to be, and Mrs. Olsen,
her mother, and also wrote a letter to Brother Thompson. In the afternoon the
conference was opened by Apostle Erastus Snow, and we received much valuable
instruction from him and Forsgreen and Dykes, under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
In the evening I baptized Stine Knudsen.
17th. This day attended conference and I administered the sacrament in the after-
noon. In the evening Pres. E. Snow moved that I should be ordained an Elder, which
was sustained by a unanimous vote, and I was ordained an Elder under the hands of
Elders John E. Forsgreen and Dykes and Jensen.
18th. I visited a lady who had expressed a desire for baptism, but found that she
had changed her mind, because she had been persuaded not to do so by a Lutheran
prospective minister, with whom she had been engaged as housekeeper. In the
evening the conference was continued and I attended. President Snow asked the
brethren if any of them had any special place where they would like to be sent as
missionaries, and I expressed a desire to be sent to the country district where I was
born and raised. In consequence of this. Priest William Andersen and I were
appointed to proceed to Fredericia and vicinity as missionaries. Much good instruction
was given us by E. Snow and then he adjourned the conference and closed with prayer.
19th. President Snow wished me to remain in Copenhagen during the remainder
of the week, so as to hold meeting the following Sunday, and I had intended to do so,
and I wrote to my intended and to Christoffer Olsen, but in the evening, in a prayer
meeting, when I was set apart and blessed by E. Snow, I felt a strong desire to proceed
at once upon my mission, and I told Pres. Snow of my desire and feelings of not
remaining over Sunday in Copenhagen, and he advised us to go ahead and take the first
chance that was offered, and we concluded to take the steamer the next morning.
21st. At 5 o'clock A. M., the steamer left Copenhagen and at 7 P.M. o'clock we
arrived in Horseus, in Jutland, and started from there on foot for the home of my
parents, a distance of twenty miles. As we were thus travelling we fell in with a
discharged soldier to whom we imparted our testimony and he accepted it and believed.
He was invited to go with us home and we arrived at my- parents at 12 o'clock in the
night, and found my father, mother, my brothers and sisters all well, and the wife of
my brother Johannes, whose name was Anna, had just given birth to a baby girl the
Sunday previous and named after me, and was also the first child that I blessed as an
22nd, Friday. I baptized that soldier, whose name was Thomas. In the evening
we held a small meeting, administered the sacrament and I confirmed that soldier by
the laying on of hands. My parents were very happy over my visit and took a great
interest in what I told them about the Gospel.
23rd. I wrote a report to Pres. Snow and Elder Dykes.
24th, Sunday. Brothers William Andersen and my brother Lauritz went on a
mission to Linvig, and I held a small meeting in the forenoon with brother Johannes
and his wife and a brother 0le„ who had been baptized by my brother the previous
Sunday, and I confirmed Ole under the laying on of hands. In the afternoon I held a
meeting and preached about an hour and 30 minutes, after which I asked if any one
present had anything to say, either for or against what I had said, then they might
have the privilege to do so. At this request my father arose and with tears in his eyes,
he said that he believed it all and that he desired baptism and likewise did my sister
and my mother rise and ask for baptism and a man named Niels Beck, a gardener by
trade and after the close of the meeting I baptized them and we all felt that we were
abundantly blessed and the spirit of God was present in our midst while our hearts
were filled with gratitude.
25th. I wrote letters to Erastus Snow, G.P. Dykes, Jensen, Petersenand my
girl. Afterwards I visited some families and conversed with them so concerning the
26th. I went to Veile and also to Osterviggaard, offering the Gospel to the people.
27th. I sent Brother William Andersen to "Store Lime, " Big Leeme, where lived
some Baptists. I went to Fredericia, where I met K. H. Brown, a Brother.
28th. I met and conversed with some strangers and offered them the Gospel.
In the evening had a meeting in the home of Ebbe Jessen, and after meeting the wife
of Ebbe Jessen was baptized by K.H. Brown.
29th. I wrote letters to saints in Copenhagen and in Aalborg. In the evening held
meeting at J.B. Eliassen. I confirmed Anna Jens Klidt and Ebbe Jessen's wife and
administered the sacrament.
30th. I went to Veile and bore my testimony to a Mr. Christensen, a merchant
and arrived at my parents in the evening.
31st. We had a meeting in the home of my brother, Johannes. When I had been
talking a while, four wagons loaded with people drove up to the house from Veile
giving me additional opportunity to preach, and some of them seemed very attentive,
while others were only mocking. We distributed some of our tracts among them.
Afterwards a great crowd came direct from church, and a school teacher, Leback
was with them; he had been my teacher at school and I had a long discourse with him,
but to no avail, for he became very excited and would not listen to any reference to
the Bible or permit me to do so on proofs of our assertions and finally he ran out of
the house, shouting: "False Teachers". A son of the village parson, by name Paul
Krag, cried out "Set fire to the whole outfit and burn it up. " But although there was
a great deal of tumult yet no one was hurt. I had some argument with the sons of
Leback, Danial and Ludvig and Seminarist, but the most that they had to say was
"false doctrines" and to condemn us for teaching it. After this unruly crowd had left,
I confirmed my father, mother and sister Stine and also Niels Beck as members of
the church, by the ordinance of the laying on of hands. Afterwards I administered
the sacrament and blessed my sister's little boy Niels Jensen.
1st. I spent part of the day in writing and reading. In the evening Brother William
Andersen arrived from "Big Lime, " where he had baptized three persons, which gave
us much joy. From Pres. E. Snow, I had received a letter, dated August 28th in
which he said: "Now you can see why you were so anxious to reach your parental
home instead of staying the week in Copenhagen,. " and he added: "You have now
become the spiritual father to your father's house."
2nd. I wrote letters to Pres. E. Snow and my brother Christen Larsen, K.H.
Brown and my girl.
3rd. I this day consecrated and blessed a bottle of sweet oil, and conversed with
several people on the doctrines of the Gospel.
4th. I wrote a letter to Maria Hansen, a woman who had joy in our doctrine but
her husband would not permit any missionary to enter his house. Also that day, I
blessed Sister Maria Larsen, who was sick.
5th. I visited some strangers and testified to them of the Gospel.
6th. Brother William Andersen and I went to Veile and then separated, he going
to Fredericia and I to Big Lime (Store Lime) to a Baptist. Christen Larsen, and I
stayed there over night.
7th, Sunday. In the afternoon I held a meeting at the home of Niels Larsen and
in the evening at our Baptist friend. Christen Larsen. I administered the ordinance
of laying on of hands, confirming the following persons members of the church: Jens
Perersen and wife, Anna Maria; and Anna M. Sorensen and after I had spoken awhile
under the influence of the spirit of God, the following persons arose and asked for
baptism: Christen Larsen and his wife, son and daughter and also Niels Larsen and
I baptized them that evening and confirmed them all. Afterwards I administered the
sacrament and gave instructions to the new members about their duties to the church.
8th. I returned with Brother Niels to his parents- farm in Torring and on our
way we visited and bore our testimony to several families. We remained I n or
9th. We visited many people in the neighborhood and bore our testimonies to
them concerning the Gospel and our mission. I also visited my father's sister
Kirstens, who had carried me to the baptismal font, where the priest poured a handful
of water on my head, calling the baptism. I not only testified to her the true way but
the Gospel, and finally I reached my parental home in Greis.
10th. I spent the day reading and writing.
11th. I wrote a letter to Elder P. 0. Hansen in Copenhagen.
12th, Friday. I was in the town of Veile.
14th. I held a meeting in my father's house and administered the sacrament and
afterwards we were going to baptize Anders Nielsen, but his employer, Anders
Christensen, who held a small public office in the parish, came and compelled him
to follow him to his home.
15th. I spent the time reading.
16th. I wrote a letter to my sweetheart and Thomson in Aalborg.
17th. I went to Fredericia and held meeting in the evening. I spoke to the saints
concerning their duties towards God and one another, and I administered the ordinance
of laying on of hands to Jens Kledt, Jens Jensen and his wife and mother, and after-
wards we all partook of the sacrament together.
18th, Thursday. I wrote letters to Pres. E. Snow and my brother Christen. After-
wards I visited among the saints.
19th. Friday. I blessed two of Brother Jessen's children and one of Brother Kledt'
children and then I went to my parents.
20th. I went to Store Lime by way of Veile.
21st, Sunday. I held meeting at Brother Niels Larsen, but about 4 o'clock in the
afternoon the parson, Mr. Svejstrup, together with another priest and four school
teachers accompanied by a big crowd of people arrived and a long debate followed on
the doctrines that we promulgated versus their Lutheran doctrines, but by the assis-
tance of the spirit of God, we came off victorious, but as they could not prove theirs
from the Bible. Some few of them became unruly, but when they all had left, with the
exception of a few strangers and the saints, I baptized a woman, Anna Mette, who had
been converted to the Gospel by what we had heard in our discourse with the parson.
I then administered the ordinance of confirmation on her, and blessed her child and
two of Christen Larsen's children and we next partook of the sacrament together and
I also instructed them in their duties towards God and one another.
22nd, Monday. My brother Lauritz and I went to Greis. On the way we had a
conversation with a man from Brendal.
23rd. I wrote a letter to my sweetheart. I also visited some of the saints and
other families and conversed with them upon Gospel principles. As my mother was
sick, I blessed her for her health.
24th. I wrote a letter to Pres. E. Snow and also to my brother Christen, and
K. H. Brown.
25th. I spent the time by reading and on the 26th I fasted and on the 28th I
anointed Sister Anna Larsen, who was sick.
28th, Sunday. Held a meeting in my father's house and administered the
sacrament. Later I baptized Anders Nielsen and confirmed him. We had a very
enjoyable time together.
29th and 30th. I repaired my clothing.
1st. I wrote to Brother C. Christiansen.
2nd. I wrote to Brother K.H. Bruhn and then traveled to Store Lime by way of
3rd. I visited and talked with some of the saints and also strangers concerning
principles of the Gospel, and held a meeting in the evening.
4th, Saturday. After having visited some of the saints, I went home to my father's
and there I found Brother K. H. Bruhn had arrived.
5th, Sunday. We held a meeting in my father's house and the saints were organized
into a branch of the church called Greis Branch. My brother Johannes Larsen was
appointed its president and my two other brothers, Christen and Lauritz were ordained
Teachers and Niels Beck, Deacon. We partook of the sacrament and I instructed the
saints in their duties towards God and one another and we had a very enjoyable time
together. Afterwards my brother Johannes Larsen baptized Maria Simonsen and I
confirmed her and then we had a love feast in my father's house.
6th. I wrote a letter to Pres. E. Snow.
7th. I traveled to Fredericia and held a meeting there in the evening.
8th. I wrote letters to Elder P. 0. Hansen and my girl, and afterwards, William
Andersen, Ebbe Jessen and I went out and rented a room in which we intended to hold
public meetings, for twenty-five Danish dollars -- each dollar worth 50 cents -- per
quarter. The location was in Mr. Bjerring's property, a public inn.
9th. I visited this day some of the saints and also strangers to whom I bore my
10th. I this day crossed over to the island "Fyne" - Fyen - and visited a clergyman
Foens in the town of Midlefart -- he takes the "Scandinavian Star;" likewise Mr. Hvid,
a miller, who is a subscriber for that periodical, and I bore my testimony to them
concerning our doctrine, and I finally went to farmer Rasmus Nielsen, where I stayed
over night.
11th, Saturday. I went to a man by- name, Lars Jensen, a freighter, but it
appeared that he and also his women folks, were scared and hesitated to have much
talk with me, but I succeeded in having quite a conversation with another man that
was present, his name was Hendrik, a tobacco worker, and he condemned both me
and our doctrines to hell, but this seemed to bring the family to reflect upon what
they had heard, and they provided for me some food and as we parted they invited
me to call again. Lars Nielsen ferried me across the sound to Fredericia in the
evening and I felt that some of these people would embrace the truth.
12th, Sunday. I preached both in the forenoon and in the afternoon in meeting
and confirmed Lars Nielsen and Niels Johansen members of the church. Afterwards
I was ferried over to Strib of Fyne where I held a meeting at Lars Jensen's and I
felt that our testimony would bear fruits.
13th, Monday. I wrote a letter to Pres. E. Snow and also one to my girl. Later
William Andersen and I went to Greis, where we put up with my parents for the night.
14th. I wrote to my girl.
15th. I went to Store Lime and held a meeting at the house of Sister Anna Marie
and talked to the saints present.
16th. I visited among both saints and strangers and preached the word of God
in the evening, and I anointed and blessed brother Jens, who was sick.
17th, Friday. Brother William Andersen and I went to "Balle, " to Mads
Christensen. He and his wife had been baptized by Priest K.H. Bruhn, and I
confirmed them as members of the church and instructed them in their duties as
such and I also blessed their four children. From there we went to my parents and
I there blessed Brother William Andersen, who had taken sick.
18th, Saturday. I traveled to Fredericia.
19th, Sunday. I held meeting in that city and confirmed Effe Jessen and also
blessed three children who were sick. I ordained Jens Jensen a Deacon in that
branch. We had expected a visit from Pres. E. Snow, but he did not come.
20th. I received a letter from E. Snow, wherein he stated the cause that
prevented him from coming, I went afterwards to "Foldingbro, " in company with
K.H. Bruhn. We arrived there at 9 o'clock in the evening.
21st. We went to "Brous" to the mother of Brother Bruhn, arriving there at 4
o'clock p.m. and we blessed her.
22nd. We visited people in different places that day, and in the evening Brother
Bruhn baptized his own sister, Stine and after having instructed her about the duties
of a saint, I confirmed her a member of the church by the ordinance of the laying
on of hands. Afterwards we blessed Brother Bruhn's mother and his sister Barbara,
who were sick.
23rd. We again visited several families and bore our testimonies to them.
Brother Bruhn's mother, who had been an invalid for several years, requested
baptism, and we bore her down to the water and baptized her. I confirmed her
a member by the laying on of hands and instructed those present in their duties
as saints and then we partook of the sacrament together.
24th. We left very early that morning and came to a woman in "Barschu" who
is midwife of the district, and we tarried there over night, explained the Gospel
to her family.
25th. We traveled to Fredericia and on the way we visited and explained the
Gospel to the people.
26th. I spoke in the meetings, both in the forenoon and the afternoon and
administered also the sacrament. I anointed and blessed Brother Ebbe Jessen's
sore leg, with which he had been afflicted 18 years and it became healed in a
short time.
27th, Monday. I wrote a letter to Elder John E. Forsgreen and also visited
some of the saints and held a small meeting in the evening.
28th. I went to Greis, my parental home.
29th. I wrote a letter to the saints in Boen and to Brother Miller in Copenhagen
concerning his family. I fasted this day.
30th. I wrote a letter to Serine Simensen. In the evening I spoke in a meeting.
31st. My brother Christen and I visited our uncle, our mother's brother in
Seu(or n)jerks.
1st, Saturday. I went to "Balle" and stayed there over night.
2nd, Sunday. I was in "Store Lime", and my brothers, Johannes, Christen,
and Lauritz, and my father came there, and we held a meeting at Jens Petersens
where several of the brethren spoke under the influence of the spirit of God. I
blessed by the laying on of hands, Brother Henningsen and his wife and also Marie
Poulsen, and I ordained my brother Christen to the office of priest, which is the
first man that I have ordained to that office. William Andersen and Jens Jensen
were appointed to proceed to the island of "Fyne" to spread the Gospel farther and
from there to go to Copenhagen, to attend the conference. We felt, all of us, greatly
blessed in that meeting, and from there I went, in company with my father and my
brothers, to Greis.
3rd. I wrote a letter to Pres. E. Snow.
4th. I wrote a letter to my girl and to Serine Simmensen. In the evening I
held a meeting in my father's house. I had intended to go to Aalborg, but the spirit
restrained me so I did not go. In the afternoon K.H. Bruhn arrived, bringing from
Fredericia good news, and in our meeting that evening after I had been speaking,
my own sister, Maren, requested baptism, and my brother Johannes administered
that holy ordinance to her, and I confirmed her by the laying on of hands, and we
rejoiced and partook of the sacrament and had a glorious time together. I rejoiced
then for having obeyed the whisperings of the spirit and that I had not gone to Aalborg.
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