10th. We visited several of our friends, and also one family who had lost the faith, and we spent some time with them, trying to make them see their mistakes, and we also conversed with other parties; and before we left them they declared that they would be baptized. We were given our dinner by Lars Jensen's family, and they said that they were ready for baptism, and it looked as though there would be a rich harvest in that neighborhood in the future, whenever there would be more religious liberty in the country We returned to Brevig, arriving there about 6 p.m. and found there that two of the brethren, Jensen and Jacobsen, had arrived from Risoer, and they reported that there had been a great deal of opposition and persecution there since the time when we left the town, and that the police authorities had commenced investigations and held some trials with those that had been baptized. We felt, nevertheless, to rejoice in our faith in the Gospel. 11th. Elder C. Widerborg and I visited some of the saints, and in the evening we put up a Sister Pernille on Satre, where we gave a sister the ordinance of laying on of hands. 12th, Sunday. We held meeting both in the forenoon and afternoon, and I did the talking in the afternoon; but before I had closed my remarks, I was interrupted by a Lutheran priest, Mr. Nielsen, who stated who he was, and then proceeded to warn his hearers against us as the false prophets, etc. We replied and referred to the Bible, as the guide for our faith, but he would not argue at all and left the house to us, which had a good impression upon the people for our benefit. We afterwards visited a brother Jacobsen, whose wife had lost her faith to some extent, yet she was trying to get right again, and we sang and prayed with them for a while; but by and by the house became full of other people, and we had a pleasant time in speaking to them but we were under the necessity to leave them, as we had an appointment to get to Kaprud on the other side of the fjord, where John Berling and another person were baptized by Elder C. Widerborg and Elder C. Dorius and I confirmed them by the laying on of hands. All went off quietly and in peace and when we reached our lodgings, it was between one and two o'clock in the morning. 13th. I wrote a letter to my brother Lauritz, and afterwards went, in company with Brother Jens Jensen and his wife to Langesund, where I visited a Mrs. Olsen and her sister, explaining to them the Gospel. We were received and treated with much hospitality and they afterwards visited us in Brevig. When we arrived back to town, we found several of the brethren there, and had a good time with them by singing and prayer. 14th. Elder C. Dorius went to Skeen, and Elder C, Widerborg and I went to Sorte Bowen, and the saints in that place went with us to town. In the evening we had a meeting on Satre, and Elder Widerborg and I did the speaking, and afterwards bade farewell to the saints and went on board Brother Christensen's boat, and set sail for Frederikstad. 15th. We reached Frederikstad about 2 p. m. that day, and in the evening we held a council meeting. Reports were given about some mob disturbances in Ousoe, the previous Sunday. I advised the saints to discontinue meetings in those hostile localities where they could meet and enjoy themselves by singing and in prayer, assembling quietly in other localities, and in that way edify one another, until the storm would pass over, and it was agreed unanimously that we have a fast day the following Sunday, and assemble in our hall in the city, (Frederikstad). It was also agreed that Elder Ole Olsen should proceed to Brevig for a short time, until the excitement and persecution would abate so in that district where he had been laboring. After that meeting some of us crossed on the ferry boat to get to the other part of the city, the suburb, but a mob followed us and pelted us with stones, and Brother Niels Mauritsen (Brake) was hit in the head, causing blood to flow freely, and others were also hit, but not seriously hurt. 16th. I wrote in my journal and afterwards I visited some of the saints in the city proper, and in Vaterland and in the evening I attended a prayer meeting. I opened the same with prayer. 17th. Elder C. Widerborg and I went out to visit the saints in Ingulsrud and Karulsrud and we found that a mob had been there, searching for the missionaries, and as the people living there would not admit them, the mob had bursted the door and searched for the brethren in all parts of the house, but they did not harm any of the family living there. From there we went to Elverstad, a farm, and on the way we fell in with Jacob Tollesen, one of our worst enemies; he used very abusive language again us, but after considerable talk to him, he became more civil, and even apologized for the part he had taken in persecuting and mobbing the saints, and when we parted, he seemed quite friendly. We finally came to Sister Wede at Libert about 8 o'clock where we had a lengthy conversation with a Miss Holm, who seemed to be willing to receive our testimony. 18th. After prayer in the morning, we started for Frederikstad, and on the way we called on the saints in Karulsrud and we finally reached the town about 5 or 6 p. m. 19th, Sunday. We held Fast Day. Most of the saints in town and neighborhood were present at our meeting in our hall, and several of the brethren spoke, and I occupied a part of the time, and in the afternoon our hall was pretty well filled with people. When I stood up to speak, came a number of them and surrounded me, and forbade me to talk any farther; they surrounded me and the other brethren and two of them took special hold on each of us, and told us that they were going to take us across the line into Sweden to get rid of us. When we came down into the street, we found it be full of the excited rebels that we could not see our way out, but as we neared the gate, I discovered an opening in their midst, and as no one just then had a hold on my arms, I made a rush through the throng and ran as fast as I could to Mr. Fjeldsted's place, Where we had formerly been confined in prison, and asked for his protection from the mob. The other brethren also succeeded in escaping from the mob in the same way. Mr. Fjeldsted escorted us to the ferry as we intended to go to Brother Widerborg's on the other side of the fjord, but when we landed we were invited to a friend by name of Torgersen, owning a grist mill on the stream, and there we found other friends assembled, who were desirous to hear us. We sang and prayed with them, and I spoke to them for a short time, and just as I had finished, Mr. Berg, the mayor, accompanied by an officer, appeared at the house and upbraided us in a very angry tone because we still were preaching and he even threatened to arrest us and put us in prison. As soon as the mayor had left and had reached the city, the mob, in great numbers, came over in the ferry to commit more trouble and mob us, and we, therefore, left the place (the mill) intending to go to Brother Widerborg's, but we found the street crowded with an excited populace, all on our account, yet we passed through the crowd unmolested, and it seemed that none of them recognized us until we reached the steps that lead to the door of Brother . Widerborg's dwelling place and knocked at the door, calling for some one inside to open, when one of the mobbers became aware of my presence and cried out, "there is one of the priests. " When I came inside, I found the house full of brethren and sisters who had sought refuge there and all had escaped from their persecutors unmolested, for which we feel thankful to the Lord. I will here state that a near neighbor to Brother Widerborg, as a police officer, and although he did not profess any particular religion, yet he did his very best to defend us against the mob, and we were always sure of peace when he was near. 20th. I wrote in my journal and also a letter to President Hougan in Risoer. 21st. In connection with Elder C. Widerborg, I was called to come and administer to Sister Emilie Halvorsen, who was sick, and she was immediately made better, During the rest of the day, I was occupied with others in singing and prayer. 22nd. Spent the most of the day by prayer and song, as well as by reading. In the evening I visited the Brown Family. 23rd. Prayer and song and reading. Prayer meeting in the evening. 24th. Many of the saints came to visit us and converse with us. 25th. I wrote a letter to my brother, C.G. Larsen, in Bornholm. Had a visit from some of the saints. Brother Mons Petersen had baptized four persons in the previous night. 26th. I wrote a letter to President Hougan in Risoer, In the afternoon was to meeting at Brother Widerborg's. I spoke to the saints, and we confirmed the four persons who had been baptized by Brother M. Petersen, and we felt very much blessed. Elder Ahmanson, C. Widerborg and I officiating. 27th. C. Widerborg, J. Folkman and I went out to Slarud and administered to Sister Gurine, who was sick. The Lord responded to our prayer and she got well immediately. In the evening we retired into the woods for prayer. 28th. Elder C. Widerborg and I went to Niels Ingulsrud and administered to his wife who was sick. Afterwards we went to town, where I wrote a letter to my girl (Dorthea) and also wrote in my journal. 29th. We consecrated some oil, and administered to two sick persons. In the evening we had a happy reunion in the home of Brother Brown. 30th. Elder C. Widerborg, Brown and I went to Orii, to visit Brother Hans Jorgens as he had fallen back to his habit of getting drunk. After some persuasive talk to him he promised to reform and do better and he asked to be forgiven. We then returned to town, where we attended council meeting in the evening, and many of the brethren were present. It was decided to again hold regular meeting in the various districts of the branch. One sister was cut off for lying and backbiting, and for apostasy. Elder P. Beckstrom and I blessed a Brother Halvor. The spirit of God was with us in great measure. JULY, 1853 1st. I wrote letters to my girl (Dorthea) and to her mother, and also to my brother, Johannes, in Denmark, and to John Olsen in Risoer. 2nd. I wrote a letter to Sister Larsen in Risoer. Later, Elder C. Widerborg and I went to Slarud, where we baptized an aged woman who was sick, but she wanted, never- the less, to be baptized, and we carried her to the water. Her daughter, Gurine, was baptized at the same time, and all went off well, for which we felt very thankful to the Lord. 3rd. We held a small meeting in the place (Slarud) and confirmed Gurine and her mother, by the ordinance of laying on of hands, and we had a joyful time with them. Afterwards we went to town, where we had a good meeting at Brother Widerborg's; two police officers were present, and two of the brethren beside me spoke in that meeting. 4th. I wrote a letter to President Willard Snow in Copenhagen, and attended a council meeting at Brother Widerborg's; it was there decided that Elder Widerborg and I should proceed to Christiania, to learn, if possible, what the courts or government intended to do with our case, as we were anxious to go more energetically to work than we could at that time. The spirit of God was with us in that meeting. 5th. Accordingly, Elder C. Widerborg, Brown and I took a steamer for Christiania at 2 a. m. and landed there at 5 p.m. and found lodgings in No. 93 in Aker's Str. with a Mr. Andersen. Afterwards was out and looked at some of the sights in town. 6th. We paid a visit to Capt. A. Jensen, our former fellow prisoner in Frederickstad. He now confined in the house of correction (Tughuset) because he had gone too far in his religious expressions concerning His Majesty the King. We found him well and hearty and with good cheer, and we had quite a talk with two of the officers on the principles of the Gospel. I and Brothers Widerborg, Brown and M. Olsen visited a very religious priest, Mr. Hailing, and we also made the acquaintance of several other prominent citizens during the day. 7th. We went out to find M. Jorgensen, our attorney in the Supreme Court, but we did not find him at home. We next went to Assembly Hall for the Supreme Court, and stayed there a short time, but without any benefit to us. Later in the day we again went in search of the attorney, Mr. Jorgensen, and found him at home and stated our errand, but we found him not at all friendly disposed to us or our cause, but he became more civil towards us before we left him, and he even asked us to pray for him and invited us or even any one else of our faith to call again when convenient and happening to be in town. I went with Brother Mathias Olsen out into the country a couple of Norwegian miles (14 English), and visited some relations and friends of his, and they seemed to be willing to listen to our testimony, and we stayed with them till late in the night. We reached the city about 4 o'clock in the morning, and put up for rest at Mr. Andersen's. 8th. We were out in town loitering through some of the principle streets and also visited the church. We also called on Judge Bunker, and from him we learned that our case would not come up in court before some time in September. We then set sail for Frederickstad, where we arrived the next morning about 6 o'clock. Fair wind and weather. 9th. I wrote in my journal and also wrote letters to President Hougan and Elder Svend Larsen in Risoer, which I sent with Brother Christensen (our skipper) for him to bring to us our American brethren, Hougan and Petersen. 10th, Sunday. Several of us went to Slarud, where we held a good meeting in the afternoon, and a good spirit prevailed. 11th. Elder Ahmanson and I went to Kjevelrud to hold a meeting in Niels Ingulsrud's home. Elders Ahmanson, C. Dorius, and I spoke in that meeting. 12th. After having paid a visit to Niels Ingulsrud, we proceeded to town. I then wrote in my journal. 13th. This day I occupied mostly in writing. 14th. Elder Ahmanson and I were visiting the family of saints in Braadnedal. We blessed Halvor Svensen's three girls and on our way towards our home we also blessed a boy. We put up with Brother Brown. 15th. We crossed the river into the city, where we visited the saints living there and in Vaterland. Afterwards we returned to Forstaden, the portion of town on the other side of the river, where we held a council meeting in the evening. At that meeting Elder J. Johansen was honorably released from presiding over the Frederickstad Branch, and Elder Widerborg appointed to that position, which was sustained unanimously, and with thanks to the retiring president. Elder Johansen. Furthermore it was agreed to that Niels Larsen, Kneple and Simon Halvorsen should be ordained Teachers, and likewise, that Ole Hansen, Slarud, and Mathias Olsen be ordained Deacons. After some remarks by several of us, by way of instruction, we ordained those brethren. The spirit of God was with us and we felt well. 16th. In company with Elders Ahmanson, and Widerborg, I visited the saints in Orli, and at midnight, Elder C. Widerborg baptized the wife of Hans Jorgensen and I confirmed her by the laying on of hands. When we came back to town, we met our brethren, Pres. Hougan and Canute Petersen, and J. Jensen and Christensen, who had arrived in the boat of Brother Christensen from Brevig. 17th, Sunday. This day we had nearly all the saints together at meeting, both from the town proper and from the neighborhood in the country. Several of the brethren spoke in that meeting, and I there moved and it was unanimously sustained, that we sustain High Priest Hougan as president of the mission in Norway, and Elder Canute Petersen as missionary. Also to sustain Elder C. Widerborg as president of Frederickstad Branch, and also all other arrangements previously made by the council of the branch, Friday evening the 15th. The spirit of God was present in great measure and I spoke at great length, as I had been requested, by President W. Snow, to come to Denmark. I prayed the Lord to forgive me for what mistakes I might have made, and also of the saints to forgive me, if, in any way, I had done any wrong towards them. and to inform me of such, and I should try to give the satisfaction; it was indeed a very touching and affectionate farewell scene, for I had learned to love the Norwegian saints, and I felt sure that the saints reciprocated in the same tender feelings, and I feel grateful to God for what good He has used me to do in this country. Assisted by Elder Hougan and C. Petersen I then ordained Simon Halvorsen to the office of Teacher. 18th, Monday. I wrote in my journal, and visited some of the saints in their homes, to bid farewell to them. In the evening a farewell gathering took place in the home of Branch president Widerborg, where President Hougan and Elder C. Petersen were present, and after having sung a hymn and held prayer, I took a hearty and tender leave of all those who were present, and then with the following missionary brethren went on board the vessel and set sail for Brevig; Elders J.A. Ahmanson, John F.F. Dorius and Jeppe Folkman, Priest Niels Hansen, C. Knudsen and J. Jensen. It was then eleven o'clock night. Reflecting upon the past, we all felt very thankful for the work which our Father in Heaven had performed through us, notwithstanding the opposition and trials that we had been exposed to, both by the civil authorities and by mobs, and as the results there were at that time in Frederickstad 4 Elders, 4 Priests, 4 Teachers, 2 Deacons and 64 members in Frederickstad Branch, for which we give all honors to God. 19th. We reached Langesund (a small town at the mouth of the fjord) and four of us sailed up to Brevig, where we tarried with the saints, till the following morning, as in that locality and in the town of Skeen, much of our missionary labors had been performed and crowned with success. 20th. We set sail from Langesund at 4 a. m. and arrived in Risoer at 4 p.m. and in the evening we held a meeting in the house of Brother Lars Johnsen, where several strangers were present. 21st. I wrote a letter to Elder C. Widerborg, in Frederickstad and in the evening attended a prayer meeting on Kranen. I occupied most of the time, speaking and a fine flow of the good spirit prevailed. 22nd, Friday. I visited the saints on Kranen. In the evening attended a council meeting, where Jens Gundersen and his betrothed girl, Stine, confessed to having had unlawful sexual connections, and they were both excommunicated from the church until they could show the proper fruits of true repentance, when they then might be admitted into the church again through the ordinance of baptism, because their offense was known to several people who were not members of the church, and it was well known that our church did not tolerate offenses of that kind with its members. The offenders were satisfied with the action taken in their case. 23rd. Elder Dorius and I visited all the saints in town, each in their respective homes. 24th, Sunday. We held fast day in the forenoon on Kranen. Afternoon we held a meeting in Kleven, with Brother John Olsen, where several strangers were present. Several of us missionaries spoke, and a good spirit prevailed. 25th, Monday. I wrote in my journal and also letters to C, Widerborg in Frederick- stad and Ahmanson in Brevig. I also visited the saints on Kraned and bore my testimony to some strangers. 26th. We visited some of the saints in the town. In the evening we attended a council meeting at Flisvig and after I had spoken a while to the brethren, I moved that Brother Niels J. Petersen be ordained a Teacher and Erik Gundersen to be a Deacon, and being unanimously sustained, they were ordained by me, assisted by Elders Svend Larsen and John Olsen. Several other brethren also gave expression to their feelings, and the spirit of God was with us in great measure. 27th. In company with several of the saints, sailed to Levang, and arrived there about 1 p. m. We held a good meeting there in the evening and we all felt well edified. 28th. We left Levang about 4 a. m. and arrived at Kranen about 1:30 p. m. I received several letters and replied to them. In the evening we had meeting and partook of the sacrament together. I spoke at length to the saints, bidding farewell, and we all felt solemnly impressed with gratitude towards God for his guiding and protecting hand that had been extended over us during our sojourn and missionary labors in Norway. I received some money as a donation from the saints. We adjourned this meeting as usual by singing and prayer. 29th. I wrote in my journal and afterwards I went to town to have my passport signed by the magistrate. I also visited the constable, Mr. Petersen, our friend, and bore my testimony to him and his wife, and finally returned and put up with the saints on Kranen. 30th. The child of Brother Niels Isaacsen was buried in the Sondelev cemetery. I and several of our church members attended the funeral and then returned to Kranen. Afterwards I wrote in my journal and wrote letters to President Hougen and C. Widerborg in Frederickstad. 31st, Sunday. Forenoon we had a meeting in the house of John Olsen (Kleven) and in the afternoon we had a meeting in Kranen, several of us missionary brethren occupied the time and the spirit of God was with us in great measure. After meeting I had an opportunity to bear my testimony to several strangers in the house of Sister Maria. In the evening Elder Svend Larsen re-baptized Jens Gundersen and his girl who had lately been excommunicated from the church. AUGUST, 1853 1st. I wrote in my journal and visited some of the saints in their respective homes. In the evening we had a meeting in Flisvig (in the outskirts of the town) but a mob gathered outside the house and made some noisy demonstrations, but finally left us in peace, about midnight, and we continued our meeting. The saints were very devoted in their prayers and I felt much impressed by the spirit of God and spoke encouragingly to the saints. At last, I performed the marriage ceremony to Jens Gundersen and Stine that made them man and wife, and finally partook of a supper prepared by the parents of the bride. 2nd. We made ready for final departure to Denmark, and after dinner we bid farewell to the saints and went on board "The Lion" (name of Brother Svend Larsen's vessel), but just before we set sail, we all bended our knees before our Father in Heaven and asked Him to pour out His blessings upon those friends that we were just about to leave, and also upon us who were to cross the North Sea, and to preserve us all in the faith as well. 3rd. We arrived at Hals about 6 p. m. and landed. Attended a prayer meeting with the saints there that evening, and we had a time of rejoicing with them. 4th. Elder John F. F. Dorius and I proceeded on foot to Aalborg, arriving there at 1 p. m. ; the other brethren arriving about 5 or 6 p. m. by way of the water. We here had the great joy of meeting our beloved president Willard Snow. He informed me that he had been longing for my arrival very much, and that he could stay in Aalborg no longer than till the next day as he had some very important business to attend to in Copenhagen, and that he wished me to be with him and assist him. He told me too, that he wanted me to bring my betrothed girl along and get married, but I told him that it was not my intention to get married till we reached Zion, or perhaps on the way. He then informed me that he intended to send me along with the next emigration. After some consultation with my girl and her mother, it was decided that my girl come to Copenhagen later on, when her mother would have her fitted out with clothing, etc. , to her own satisfaction. 5th. I visited some of the saints in their respective homes, and had a very pleasant time with them. About 1 p. m. we. President Willard Snow, Johannes Larsen, N. C. Schou, John F.F. Dorius, myself and Svend Larsen with his family, went on board the "Lion", and set sail and landed in Hals, and took a light meal with some of the saints, living there. We had a conversation there with a family not of our faith, and about 6 p. m. we again set sail for Copenhagen, (leaving Brother S. Larsen's family). 6th. Arrived in Copenhagen the next night about 11 o'clock, the wind having been very favorable. I went along with President W. Snow to the Mission Office and stayed over night. I learned with much regret, that several of the saints had lately died from Cholera, which was then raging in that city, and among them was the president of Copenhagen branch, Elder Samuel Hansen. 7th, Sunday. I attended meeting and addressed the saints in the forenoon, and also blessed the sacrament in the afternoon. All the brethren that had arrived spoke and we, had a fine time. Afterwards I was in company with Pres. Snow, P.O. Hansen, H.P. Jensen and several others. 8th, Monday. I wrote a letter to the saints in Risoer, and afterwards I accompanied Pres. Willard Snow out to Fredericksberg and attended a council meeting in the evening, where I addressed the brethren by request. 9th. I wrote a letter to my affiance and afterwards I visited some members of the church, in company with Pres. W. Snow, In the evening I attended council meeting where the case against Elder H. P. Jensen was brought up, and continued till about 12 o'clock night. All of the brethren gave expressions of their views upon the case. 10th. I wrote a letter to the saints in Frederikstad, and visited some of the saints outside the city. In the evening I again attended council meeting and the case against H. P. Jensen was continued, and in addition to this case, a charge against Elder P. 0. Hansen was presented, for having acted very unbecoming as a servant of God towards several young sisters. This session of the council lasted till two o'clock in the morning, and then adjourned till the next evening. 12th. A special conference had been appointed and convened and I opened the meeting with prayer, and it was there proposed and agreed by unanimous vote that Elder Christian J. Larsen should be president for the Copenhagen Conference. In the evening a council meeting was convened, and during that session nearly all the brethren spoke and expressed their views with regard to the conduct of the two before mentioned brethren, and after Pres. W. Snow had elucidated their case from various sides, he proposed that Elders H.P. Jensen and P. 0. Hansen should be baptized for the remission of their sins. This decision was agreed to by unanimous vote, and the council adjourned to meet again the next evening at seven o'clock. When this meeting adjourned the time was three o'clock in the morning. The two brethren on trial were very humble and accepted the decision with gratitude.