(Taken from his records by his daughter Kay Flavel Poppleton) Carrie and Will Flavel I was born at Spanish Fork, Utah, Sept. 22, 1882 at my Grandma Bona's house. In the area of 1888 I started school in the first grade. In 1891 I Went to school in the fourth grade. I thought I was getting big and learned to chew tobacco. A good many times I was very sick. The Spring of 1892 we moved on the farm at Palmyra where my parents raised us four children for many years in a one room log house, and there in 1892 I went to school in a log school. In 1893 a brick school house was built. My parents at that time was poor and I had to start doing lots of work. At that age I could handle a team pretty well, as my father was a good horseman. 1895-96 I began to take great interest in baseball. I was the Champion Marble Player of Spanish Fork, of my size. They got so they would make me play lefthanded. From 1893 to 1897 I would go barefoot all summer and until late summer, then I would get a pair of stogie shoes with soles filled with hob-nails that would last me about two years. I liked to ride the pony anytime I could. My Mother's health was very poor and me, being the oldest, I learned to do much house work. I could wash dishes, sweep the floor, mix bread and straighten up the house better than the girls. I hauled rock and done my share of shingling. 1897 - 1903 I done lots of riding in the canyon. About 1898-9 -was when I took my first girl home, and learned to dance, as I was always afraid of girls. Her name was Sarah A. Rache. About 1900, along in there, in the winter, I would go out on the RailRoad grade for a few months at a time. I worked on the grade along in Cash (Cache) Valley and up towards Pocatello. I worked on the grade that was put in from Blackfoot to Arco. I spent one winter and until August 4th in Nevada along Wells, Winemucca. I pitched ball three years for the Spanish Fork Ball Team. In 1904 I worked for Dave Banks in Bancroft, Idaho for 7 months at $30. 00 per month. Before that I drove Team for 10 hours a day for $1. 25 per day. In 1902 I rode for stock. In 1903 I fell in love with Caroline Huntington. January 31, 1905 we were married. In the fall of 1905 I worked in the Clear Creek Mines digging coal from 7 A. M. to 3:00 P. M.; from 6 P. M. until 12 P. M. I worked in the barber shop cutting hair. During the summer months I was farming. We moved to Richfield in 1913. I hauled beet pulp and fed many cattle in the winter. After we moved to Richfield I worked on the roads here when they were first graded. In 1924 I started work for the Big Wood Canal Co. for $100. 00 per month. Feb. 11, 1929 I started driving the Mail until April first. In 1921 I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Was baptized Sept. 5, 1921, was ordained and set apart as Counselor of Young Men's Mutual and a Sunday School teacher; second Counselor in Sunday School. In 1929 I was put in second Counselor in the Bishopric. Aug. 15, 1930 1 started working as Janitor for the school at Richfield. On July 6, 1931 is the day my wife died with a stroke. August 4, 1932 I started keeping company with Erma Sweat. We were married Dec. 21, 1933 at Salt Lake Temple. 1938 I was put in Superintendant of Sunday School. Today, the 16th of Feb. 1941 I took charge of Sunday School with no music, only one teacher, no Bishop or any Counselors were there. On August 23, 1942 I was appointed as Bishop of the Richfield Ward. On April 1943 I quit the school and started to ride ditch about May 7, 1943 for $135.00 per month. I also done the Janitor work for the Church. I got through working for Big Wood Canal on Nov. 3, 1948 because of bad weather. On Feb. 19, 1950 I was released as Bishop after serving 7 years 5 1/2 months.
William Thomas Flavel and family moved to Richfield from Utah in 1913. They lived for a short time on the butte 6 miles north and 2 miles west of town. After a couple of more moves he built onto a small house on a farm located 6 miles north and 3/4 mile east of town where he farmed until March of 1923. They moved into Richfield and he went to work for the Big Wood Canal Co. hauling supplies to the by-pass. His wife Caroline and daughter Mary cooked for the crew working on this project. After this he worked as a janitor for the Richfield school for 13 years. During this time Caroline passed away in 1931. She was laid to rest in the Richfield Cemetery. He married Erma Sweat at Salt Lake City in 1933. She taught school in Richfield until she retired. When he left the janitor job he went back to work for the Big Wood Canal Co. riding ditch until he retired. He passed away in July 1976. Erma passed away Sept. 1980; both were laid to rest in Richfield Cemetery. (from The History of Richfield, Idaho) WILLIAM THOMAS FLAVEL
10890 Bohm Place
Sandy, UT 84094
United States