1887 - 1969 I was born August 30, 1887 at Palmyra, Utah County, Utah, where my folks were living on about a 40 acre farm. I was one of five in the family. William Thomas was five years older than I; Elias Jones was three years older than I; Joyce, three years younger, and John, ten years younger than I, lived only a few minutes after birth. When we were children, we used to have fun with neighboring children, swinging, playing outdoor games such as "fox and geese". Then we'd play checkers, pop corn, make freezers of ice cream or eat apples or pears that had been put away for winter. Dad had made a storage room for fruit and vegetables. This was made from thick rocks and kept everything nice and cold even in the summer. Hoplas were very good friends and helped out many times when we had sickness, for mother was sick quite a lot of the time. The Hopla family lived about 1/4 mile through the field from us. We would all go in groups and gather buckets of mushrooms in the spring, and ground cherries in the fall, from which mother would make big dishpans of preserves which were very good. A neighbor used to raise great big watermellons and how we enjoyed going over to his place to feast on them. He would break them open and then serve only the heart. My school days were disturbed because of so much sickness in our home. The doctor said our doctor bill was more than any other family in Spanish Fork. Elias had pneumonia; dad had typhoid fever twice; Joyce had two operations for eye tumors and also appendicitis. She was affected severely with eczema for seven years. I used to have the croup and earaches every little while. Mother had stomache ulcers, yellow jaundice, pneumonia three times and was bothered with heart spells. So with all of this illness I missed a terrible lot of school. I finished the seventh grade. Joe Hughes was one of my teachers whom I thought a lot of. Also Will Cornaby and Jane Bowen. I went to a one room school in Palmyra for all except my last year which I finished in Spanish Fork. Despite all the sickness, we were still a happy family and used to get together in the evenings and sing. Also we had fun at Ward parties and dances. I belonged to a Palmyra Riding Club and I remember a Fourth of July Parade in Spanish Fork when our Riding Club rode in the parade. There were 48 of us girls. We wore white blouses and dark divided riding skirts. A green ribbon identified which state of the union each of the 48 girls represented. Dad had a beautiful big brown horse called "Cap". His coat was smooth and shiny. Cap was just a riding and buggy horse. Dad was a great lover of horses and took fine care of them. We had a choir in Palmyra. It was a Ward Choir and Joyce was the accompanist part of the time. Dad, Will and I sang in it, also Joyce when she wasn't playing. One Quarterly Conference in Spanish Fork our Choir presented the music. When I was about 18 our family moved to Spanish Fork. Will ran the farm for awhile and then the folks sold it. We first lived in a home about two blocks west of Main Street for about one year while our home was being built one block east of Main Street. When we moved to this first house we were right in the middle of the "Chain Gang". There were about 15 fellows and girls who belonged to it and it was a close-knit group of young people who really clanned together and nobody else intruded. We went everywhere together, to dances, parties, etc. We'd sing on the street corners or at each others houses after a mellon feed, or some such thing. With this gang one holiday season I danced 13 nights straight, with the exception of Sunday nights. We had a wonderful dance hall in Spanish Fork known as Pack's Pavillion which had a spring floor and was lighted beautifully with multi-colored arc lights. While in Palmyra I was secretary of the Primary and was an Assistant in the Mutual for a couple of years. Also Secretary of the Primary in Spanish Fork when Jennie Thomas' mother was the President. I cooked at Shorty's Restaurant and at the Jones Hotel for about a year. Also clerked at Newman s Store for about months. Newman's carried mostly yardage, When I was about 19 I went to Provo, Utah where I lived with a very well-to-do family by the name of Roundy. He was a brother-in-law of Jesse Knight, a millionaire. For three months I did sewing and housework for them. After returning to Spanish I spent one summer doing sewing and fancy work for friends and relatives. One summer I took modeling for a neighbor and learned how to cut and draft patterns. One fall Uncle Joe Finch took a contract out at Kanaka, Utah about 30 miles west of Grantsville, to build a cement ditch from the mountain spring down into town. My cousin, Jane Finch and I went out to cook for the employees who were some fellows from Spanish Fork and some Hawaiian fellows from Kanaka. Along with our work we also had a lot of fun. On Friday nights we would all go into town to the dance. Also in the evenings we would gather around and sing while these Hawaiian fellows played their string instruments. Jane and I would take turns each day with the cooking while the other one did the dishes. I remember this one fellow that was usually late coming in for his meals. One day I had made a great big dripper pan full of raisin cake with thick white frosting and when this fellow came in there were 7 pieces of cake, 3 inches square. Jane said, "Mary, you'd better put a piece of that cake away if you want some. " I replied, "Oh, he couldn't eat all that even if he wanted. " But after awhile when he had finished and left, I turned around and every piece of the cake was gone, and was I mad I surely thought he was a glutton. One night at a dance at Pack's Pavillion I met Fay Manwill (Ferrin LaMar). I went home with him from the dance that night, and that started a romance that led to marriage about two years later. I made my own wedding dress which was pale orchid satin with gold overlace across the front: short sleeves and a square neck. On Monday, September 15, 1913 Fay and I drove over to Provo in his new one-seated buggy, and at high noon were married at the Court House by Clarence Wood. We went back to Spanish Fork that afternoon and spent the evening at my folk's home. Fay's Mother and Father and his brother Lo and wife came over, Mother had made a wedding cake and served cake and wine to the family who were present. All the rest of my family were living in Idaho and couldn't be there. After a couple of days Fay went out to Garfield to resume his work and hunt for a house for us. Because of Mother's ill health I stayed at home for about a month. We bought a black tar paper house in Arthur (about one mile east of Garfield). This house had two rooms, kitchen and bedroom with a built on closet and a screen porch. We painted and papered. Fay made a corner dish cupboard and also a side table with some shelves underneath. His folks gave us a table. I made curtains to cover the cupboard and white curtains for the windows. We had a folding steel cot which I used as a couch in the kitchen. I covered it with a floral cover and used toss pillows on it. We bought a new iron bed. We had a trunk that I filled with my Hope Chest articles and Fay's mother gave me a sewing machine she'd had. Also had a wood and coal stove and some new linoleum. In the bedroom was a home-made woven rug. People used to come in and say it was the cutest and cleanest house in town. I used to get so lonely and so bored, for Fay worked different shifts and I was home so much alone and didn't know anyone. I remember that I used to wash and iron things when they weren't even dirty just to have something to do. In March 1915 we purchased a ranch up in Naf, Idaho and Fay moved up there and batched for several months while I returned to Spanish Fork to stay with my folks and await the arrival of Don, our firstborn. I started labor on Sunday night and was up most of the night. Monday morning I was having quite hard pains, but I started the washing and had it well under way when Mother and Joyce got up. After 48 hours of labor, Don was born Tuesday night, July 20, 1915. He weighed 9 pounds. Fay worked on the railroad at Payson from then until April 1916 and then went back to Naf where I joined him in May. In October 1916 because of a near crop failure we left for Richfield, Idaho to spend the winter. Ed Dayton was the foreman for the Idaho Irrigation Company where Fay was employed. A group of employed men were living in tents almost on the location where Melvin Pope's home now stands. Ed needed some help in the kitchen, so I helped cook for a crew of about 30 men for about 6 weeks. A few years later I managed the Nelson Ricks Creamery which stood across the street east and a little south of the present telephone office in Richfield. I managed this for about two years, making about $35 or $40 per month. With the first paycheck I got, I purchased a nice set of china -- white with a rim of gold, complete with the serving dishes. We were living in a home just northeast of the present Pheasant Club when Lois was born. I was in labor about an hour. I woke Fay at midnight and he got Mrs. Margaret Metcalf, our neighbor, and then jumped on old "Billy" (the horse) and raced after the doctor. Fay held his fingers on some of the blood vessels to keep me from hemorrhaging to death. The doctor stayed for hours afterwards. I lost so much blood that they were afraid to let me see myself in a mirror for two weeks. Lois weighed 8 pounds, born February 18, 1921. lla was born in the Gooding Hospital on June 26, 1929 and weighed a little less than seven pounds. Fay and I made it a point to nearly always be the first to go into the homes of the sick or where there was a death and to offer our services, take food or do anything we could. For about 4 or 5 years I served on the funeral committee in Richfield and helped take charge of decorating the hall with flowers, etc. All the years Fay was Branch President and Bishop we often didn't know until we got to church that Stake visitors would be present, but no matter what stake authorities were there we always brought them home to have dinner with us. So Sunday after Sunday we had company for dinner. In Richfield I served as Theology teacher for many years; counselor in the Ward Relief Society for quite a few years and Blaine Stake Secretary in the Relief Society for about 4 years. I also taught the Zions Girls in Primary for about 2 years and was teacher of the Lark Class in Primary for about the same length of time. I was once asked to be Stake handicraft leader in which capacity I acted for 2 or 3 years. Also Gleaner Girl teacher in the Mutual one winter and for several years had the Relief Society Teacher's Topic. When I was Stake handicraft leader we had a Stake display of work items and my handwork took first place. For this our Ward was presented with a lovely cedar chest for the Relief Society room and a huge sewingbasket completely fitted. Many Christmas seasons I have served on the buying committee for the Community Christmas Program and spent days soliciting and buying and sacking treats for the children. During W. W. II I rolled bandages for the Red Cross at least once and sometimes twice a week and also made dozens of pairs of pajamas, night shirts, mocassins, and ditty bags for the servicemen. I've always done a lot of sewing. I've made the children's clothes including the girls' suits and formals. I've done quilts, embroidered, crocheted, tatted, made artificial flowers from wood fiber, crepe paper and chenille. I've always had a real appreciation of beauty and have enjoyed raising beautiful flowers. Dozens of people have been given bouquets of my flowers to enjoy. We used to butcher our own hogs and cure the meat -- grind the sausage, cure the hams, and render the lard. I always churned butter when we had cows. I always baked bread and have canned hundreds of quarts of fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies, and pickles every year. I usually made my own laundry soap, doing it in a big black iron kettle over a bonfire in the yard. For many years I belonged to the Singing Mothers Chorus of the Richfield Ward. This was really enjoyable. A group of us met once a week to practice under the direction of Vera Housel. Light refreshments were served at the close, and whenever anyone had a birthday we each had to make up a little poem for them. Following is a poem I made up once for Melba Johnson Sanders. Dear Melba: As my senses have all vanished And my thoughts have gone astray How can I write a poem When I'm in this funny way ? How can I even utter When my thoughts so far away have gone And I am in the gutter As I wish you birthday greetings I'm honest and sincere And hope that love and happiness Will be yours throughout the year May your life be long and happy And your friends around whose dear Ever watch and help to guard you Along life's highway here. Keep your sunny disposition And your humor too They'll always keep the clouds away And let the sunshine through. It's the sunshine in life's journey That helps to bring success. Let's hope you find the golden ray That always brings the best. About 1944 I began to get a tremor in my left hand and then began to have sort of muscle spasms in my left foot. Later on I would lose my balance. Finally when I went to a specialist he diagnosed my trouble as Parkinson's disease. I gradually got worse until it is now difficult for me to walk, and impossible for me to use my hands for sewing or writing or anything like that. In Jan. 1938 Don left for a two year mission to the Northwestern States and in 1941 Lois was called to the Eastern States Mission. April 8, 1946, Lois was married to John A. Larsen in the Salt Lake Temple; Don was married to Mary Barraclough of Boise in the Idaho Falls Temple on March 21, 1947, and Ila was married to Grayson Gurr of Parowan, Utah in the Salt Lake Temple on Oct. 27, 1950. I now have 12 grandchildren: Reed Manwill Alan Manwill Lane Manwill Richard Manwill Dennis Larsen Deanne Larsen Brent Larsen Julene Larsen Bryant Larsen Brenda Gurr Doug Gurr Sandra Gurr
A Patriarchal Blessing given by Joseph S. Cooper upon the head of Mary Elizabeth (Flavel) Manwill, daughter of William Flavel and Rosetta (Christmas) Flavel, born August 30, 1887, at Spanish Fork, Utah. Sister Mary Elizabeth Flavel, by right of my authority to bless, I place my hands upon your head and give you a Patriarchal Blessing. I do this in the response to your faith and desire for it is your wish to know what the Lord has in store for you. You are of the covenant of the Lord having been born through the lineage of Ephriam and you are therefore heir to all of the blessings promised upon the head of our Father Abraham and his seed. You were born under the New and Everlasting Covenant and have received of its special blessings and endowments. Your life has been hedged about and protected by your guardian angel and your life has been spared for a special mission. Not only are you to receive of the blessings of Sarah by you becoming a mother in Israel, but you are to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord in ministering in His service in the church, You shall ever be honored as a mother in Israel and shall in time become a queen to your husband in Gods kingdom. Your blessings and posterity shall continue throughout eternity, and in the Father's kingdom, your children shall gather about you and shall declare you blessed. The blessings of the Lord shall continue with you throughout your days upon the earth. He will minister peace, joy and comfort to your heart and will cause you to rejoice in the blessings of life. You shall receive of life's bounties, both of the sprit and of the material life, and shall live as long as life shall be sweet to you and it shall be your desire to live. I seal you up against the power of the Des- troyer. You shall be given power with your husband to even banish Him from your home and be a shield and protection to your children in guarding their lives, faith and virtue. I promise you, dear sister, that if you will remain faithful, there will come nothing into your family to bring sorrow and regret. I seal you up to come forth in the morning of the First Ressurection to pass on to the glory and kingdom that shall be prepared for you with your worthy companion throughout all eternity, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, even so, amen. Given at Richfield, Idaho, March 27, 1932. (X) Joseph S. Cooper
Mary Elizabeth Flavel Manwill, 82, of Richfield, Idaho, died Tuesday, Oct. 21 at the home of a daughter in Bountiful of causes incident to age. BORN AUGUST 30, 1887 in Palmyra, Utah County, a daughter of William and Rosetta Christmas Flavel. Married Ferrin LaMar Manwill on Sept. 15, 1913 at Provo; marriage was later solemnized in the Logan LDS Temple. She taught Sunday School, Primary, and Relief Society Councilor in ward Relief Society presidency, stake Relief Society secretary of Blaine Stake. Member singing mothers chorus; work director stake Relief Society. SHE IS survived by her husband, son, Don F., Boise, Idaho; daughters, Mrs. John A. (Lois) Larsen, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Bruce (Ila) Ryan, Bountiful; 14 grandchildren; brother William T. Flavel, Richfield, Idaho. Funeral services will be held Friday, October 24 at the Richfield Ward Chapel with Bishop Vern Nelson officiating. FAMILY prayer will be offered by Bishop John A. Larsen; prelude and postlude music will be played by Thelma Johnson, who will also accompany Nelda Haws vocal solo "In The Garden Of Tomorrow". Speakers will be Bishop Ross Lee and Bishop Clifford Ward. A quartet composed of Vernetta Woodbury, Barbara Peck, Robert Pyrah and Allen Pyrah will sing "I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked". Bishop Jay Ward will offer the benediction. INTERMENT in the Richfield Cemetery where the dedication of the grave will be by Wendell King. Pallbearers were Lane Manwill, Alan Manwill, Reed Manwill, Douglas Gurr, Brent Larsen and Dennis Larsen. Floral offerings will be cared for by the Richfield Ward Relief Society, Funeral arrangements will be under the direction of Lindquist Bountiful Mortuary. FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN UTAH
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