SPANISH FORK. -- Luther Christmas, aged 77, a well known retired farmer of this city died Monday morning at the family residence after a lingering illness. Mr. Christmas was born at Llanethy, South Wales, August 9, 1854. He was the son of William and Elizabeth Roach Christmas. Mr. Christmas has been a resident of Spanish Fork for the past 61 years. He is survived by his widow, Caroline Simpson Christmas; two sons, Lew of Lake Shore, and William of Spanish Fork; three daughters, Mrs. P.P. Thomas, Mrs. B.H. Tuttle, and Mrs. R.W. Schofield, all of Spanish Fork. He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Rosetta Flavel and Mrs. John Bowen, both of this city. He had eight grand- children and one great grandchild. Funeral announcements will be made later. L. CHRISTMAS PASSES AWAY
10890 Bohm Place
Sandy, UT 84094
United States