Dennis Larsen
Brenda Ririe
Linda Kilander
Brent Flavel
George Flavel
Camp Floyd
Utah County
Partial IGI Extracts
Oral Traditions
Thomas Flavel had a sister "Maggie" and a brother "George"
The family originated in Dublin, Ireland
Extracts from history of Mary Jones Flavel Bona - by Jane Bowen Tuttle
Mary went to Camp Floyd with a friend, Mrs. Mary Morgan
She met Thomas Flavel (a bookkeeper in Johnston's Army)
She married him some time after July 8, 1858 (Date army arrived in Utah
Thomas Flavel was not well known in Spanish Fork
He was very refined, well-dressed gentleman, could keep well groomed at
his work
Raised in a home with high standards
Parents educated him to become a Catholic minister
Joined the army to escape a ministerial life
[Presbyterian Ministers: 1642-1877 FHL film # 908816]
Child William born at Camp Floyd on 12 Feb 1860
Called to Nevada prior to 12 Feb 1861
Reportedly drown while crossing a river
Thomas Flavel Time Line
- 1829 - Born in Ireland (possibly Dublin)
- 1855 - Enlists in U.S. Army at Port Lawrence (Toledo), Ohio
- 1857 - Johnston's Army leaves Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas
- 8 Jul 1858 - Johnston's Army arrives at Camp Floyd, Utah
- May 1859 - Most likely married by this date
- 12 Feb 1860 - Son William born at Camp Floyd
- 12 Jun 1860 - Discharged after 5 years of service
- 20 Aug 1860 - Letter of recommendation written in his behalf
- 12 Feb 1861 - Has left for Nevada at least by this date
- June 1861 - Is in Chinatown (Dayton), Nevada by this date
- 22 Jul 1861 - Letter sent from Carson City, Nevada
- 1862 - Not listed in the Nevada Directory
Flavel Name
{from "Irish Names and Surnames" by Woulfe (p.531)
University of Utah Library: CS/2411/w6/1967}
2 spellings listed: FLAVEL, FLAVELL
"a family of the Ui Fiachrach, originally seated
at Loch Glinne in Crossmolina Parish (County Mayo).
Driven from there by British. Settled in Finghid
(now Finned) in Easkey Parish (County Sligo)
[These places have been located on maps of Ireland]
Armagh County, Ireland (RootsWeb Page)
Cindi's List Ireland & Northern Ireland
Background Information:
American Passenger Arrival Records
A Guide to the Records of Immigrants
Arriving at American Ports by Sail and Steam
by Michael Tepper
(Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore 1988)
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index by Filby (vol.1 A-G)[p.620]
"Flavell, Thomas n.a.; Philadelphia, Pa., 1851 9295 p86"
Other Flavell's Listed:
Flavell, Henry n.a. Philadelphia, Pa. 1856
Flavell, James n.a. Philadelphia, Pa. 1859
Flavell Jeremiah n.a. Philadelphia, Pa. 1864
Flavell, Wesley n.a. Philadelphia, Pa. 1863
Philadelphia Naturalization Records (p.193)
"Flavell, Thomas Eng QS (Quarter Sessions Court)
10-10-1851" {On a copy of the certificate, he states
he was 25 years old in 1851. Our Thomas Flavel
was 26 years old in 1855}
Other Flavell's listed:
Henry Flavell (1856)
James Flavell (1859)
Jeremiah Flavell (1864)
Wesley Flavell (1863)
"The Famine Immigrants: Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at
the Port of New York, 1846-1851"
volume III p.494
ship Alice-Frazier (14 Mar 1849 from Belfast)
FLAVELL, Sarah 38 F
Martha 14 F (born about 1835)
Wesley 2 M
Jerry 10 M
George 8 M
Eliza 5 F
Sarah 6 F
volume IV p. 360
ship Mariane (2 Jul 1849 from Belfast)
FLAVELL, Thomas 22 M (born in 1827)
Rosa 21 F
volume V
(no Flavel's by any spelling)
Boston Passenger List Index {film # 418,216)
John Flavel (age 29, male, laborer) arrived in Boston from
Ireland on 17 Dec 1850 on vessel S. Carolina.
Thomas Flavel (age 19, male, laborer) [accompanied by John]
arrived in Boston from Ireland on 24 Sep 1819 on
vessel Ocean Queen.
New York Passenger Lists Index (1820-1846) {film #350,234}
William FLAVILLE (male, age 17 from Great Britain) Port
of New York, 1838 0n vessel North America.
Ships' Manifest for Port of Philadelphia, 1851 {film #419,646 &
419,647 - lists 10114 & 115-230)
searched on a ship by ship basis - no Flavel's found
Index to Philadelphia Passenger Lists (1800-1906) {film#
419,467 - microcopy 360, Roll 144}
No Flavel's listed [FLAVAN to FLAVIN with a Flevill]
Additional Flavel/Flavell Immigrants
Flavel, Anthony; Annapolis 1872 with wife and 2 children
Flavel, Job; Illinois 1886
Flavel, John; 37, Toronto 1871
Flavel, Thomas; Plymouth, Mass. with son
Flavel, Thomas F.; Iowa 1859
Flavel, William; Iowa 1859
Flavel, William O.; Iowa 1859
Flavell, Arthur; Virginia 1661
Flavell, Elizabeth; Plymouth, Mass. 1622
Flavell, Job; Barbados 1659
Flavell, John; Colorado 1883
Flavell, Richard; America 1683
Flavell, William; South Carolina 1670-1675
Flavell, John; wife Rebecca, South Carolina 1670-1680
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild
Irish Passenger Lists
Pennsylvania 1850 Census Index
Martha Flavel Philadelphia County Southward
Ann Flavell Philadelphia County Kensington
Daniel Flavell Philadelphia County Kensington
Thomas Flavell Philadelphia County Kensington
Thomas Flavell Philadelphia County Germantown
Census Indexes (1840 & 1850) for Ohio, Mass., N.Y. & Maryland
No Flavel's listed
Census Indexes for Virginia
1810 - Flawell
1820-1830-1840-1850 (no Flavel's by any spelling variation)
Virginia Census Index (1810)
William Flawell (Buckingham County) p. 816
3 males under 10
2 males 10-16
1 male 16-26
1 male over 45
4 famales 10-16
3 females 16-26
New York City Census (1850)
Flavel, Dennis page #133 ward #19 {film #559}
Flavell, Samuel T. page #117 ward #10 {film #545}
Search request by Ohio Historical Society
"Port Lawrence was the name of a town and township in
Lucas County in 1841. Port Lawrence and Vistula were
merged into the city of Toledo.
The index to the 1850 federal census for Ohio does not
list the name Flavel. Evidently Thomas Flavel had not
yet come to the state."
Search request by National Archives
Thomas Flavel not found in 1850 census returns for Locas County, Toledo
Correspondance with Ohio Flavell's:
Immigrated from Northampton, England to Canada in 1912 then to Ohio in 1913.
Ohio Migration Routes
{Astoria, Oregon}
Clatsop County Oregon by Emma Gene Miller [979.546/H2M]
p.105 "Capt. George Flavel arrived in Astoria in 1849,
sailing from the East Coast around the Horn as
master of his own ship."
p.120 - photograph
p. 169 - "gave $4000 to the Presbyterian Church"
Clatsop County Historical Society
Capt. George Flavel born 1824; native of Norfolk, Virginia;
came to Oregon via California Gold Rush Fields in 1849;
married in 1854 at age 31 to Mary Christiana Lydia Boelling.
Correspondance with Tom Flavell of Portland, Oregon
Grandfather, Great-grandparents from Drumcree Parish, Portadown, Ireland
Genealogies of Virginia Families (Tylers Quarterly)975.5/D2gvf/
v. 2
p.863 "sermons for John Pettus (died 1770) by Flavel and
IGI Extractions
George Flavel md. Charlotte Bennison 8 Oct 1846
born: abt. 1821 of Drumcree, Armagh, Ireland
(Batch # M701627, Source Call #: 101278)
George Flavel md. Mary C. Boelling 26 Mar 1854
born: 17 Nov 1823 at Portadown, Seagoe, Drumcree, Armagh, No. Ireland
died: 3 Jul 1893 at Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon
(Batch # 1761058 & 1761111 & 1903537 & 1761157)
National Archive search requests
Pension files (not found)
Bounty Land files (not found)
Military Register of Enlistments (film # 350,331 p. 71)
(Entry 199, page 71, volume 51)
Name: FLAVEL, Thomas
Where Born: Ireland
Age: 26
Occupation: Teacher
Enlisted at: Port Lawrence, Ohio
Enlisted by: Captain Hatch
Enlisted for: 5 years
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Height: 5 feet 7 1/2 inches
Regiment: 2nd Dragoons, Company G
Discharged: 12 June 1860
Cause of Discharge: Expiration of service
Discharged at: Camp Floyd, Utah Territory, a private
"To Utah With The 2nd Dragoons" by Harold B. Langley
source listed in bibliography:
Muster Roll of Company G
Second Dragoons
Regular Army Muster Rolls
Inspection Returns
1821-1860, Second Dragoons
Box 112, Record Group 94 (Civil War)
National Archives (Washington D.C.)
Thomas Flavel is listed as an individual on extra duty
(film # 497,708) 2/6 Pvt Flavell, in ... Clerk in ...
History: "Annals of Wyoming", March of 2d Dragoons [Report of
Lieutenant Colonel Philip St. George Cooke on the March of the
2d Dragoons from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Bridger in 1857] pp. 43-60
Military Records Center
9700 Page Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 631132
Second Dragoons
The Life of the Dragoon Enlisted Men by J. Patrick Hughes, Ph.D.
Newspaper: "Valley Tan" ed. Kirk Anderson
(film # Va. 24)
References to social life at Camp Floyd but very little
about enlisted men. No references to Flavel or any
marriages found.
One account states that a Catholic Chaplain, Peter DiSmith,
joined Johnston's Army on 31 May 1858, however the
Catholic Diocese has no record of him having been there
at that time.
Father Bonaventure Keller
Camp Floyd Account Book
(film # 979.2/Z99/v12)
No Flavels listed on any of 400 pages
page 59 lists Lt. Buford
page 110-111 lists Capt. Turnley
Camp Floyd Account Book
Letter from Buford to Turnley (taken from Bowen history of
Mary Jones Flavel Bona)
Camp Floyd, Utah Territory
Aug. 20, 1860
Campt. J. T. Turnley
Ass't QuarterMaster, U.S. Army
Having been requested by Flavel to give him a
recommendation to you, I have to state that he
was under my charge on extra duty as a clerk both
in the Commisary and Quarter Master's Department
for over two years; that I always found him faithful
and attentive to his duty; and that at the time the
Quarter Master Sergeant of the Second Dragoons, and
his laborers, were dismissed from the Dragoon
Commisary for pilfering, Flavel was the only man left
of the old hands retained on extra duty. I believe
Flavel to be perfectly upright. He was the most
correct clerk I have ever had under my charge.
Your Obedient Servent,
Jno. Buford
Cap't 2nd Dragoons
Captain Buford
Colonel Turnley
Extensive archealogical work is being done by BYU Professor Dale Berge.
"Camp Floyd in Retrospect" by Don Richard Mathis
contains maps of Camp Floyd showing locations of
Commisary, G Company, Quarter Master
"Today, one can hardly find an indication of the large military force which
once occupied Cedar Valley. The two communities of Cedar Fort and Fairfield offer
the only protection from the sun, dust, aqnd wind that still typifies the valley.
If one stands at the Fairfield spring and looks due south he can distinguish a
series of mounds extending to the south--all that remains of the hundreds of adobe
buildings. Further to the south, about one half mile, the graveyard is discerned,
now fenced by iron rather than stone, though the foundation of the stone wall is
still there. The cemetary is occupied by a lone monument of tribute to the men
interred there. Again using the spring as a reference point, one can walk through
the sage for about two hundred and thirty yards in a west-southwest direction and
the stone foundations to two other buildings--the magazine and a guard post.
Following down the stream from the spring, one can locate the site of the old mill
pond on the west side of Fairfield. If one continues along the stream, through
the town, he can see a number of shallow pits on each side, evidence of the adobe
works where so many Mormons labored in building Camp Floyd. One structure of the
camp is all that remains. It is an old commissary building, where most of the
auction sales were held, and occupies the lot just across the street to the south
from the building presently memorialized by the Utah State Parks Commission."
"Journal of Captain Albert Tracy (1858-1860)"
page 42 has a reference to 2 Welsh Women
"Camp in the sagebrush: Camp Floyd, Utah, 1858-1861" by
Thomas G. Alexander & Leonard J. Arrington [Utah
Historical Quarterly]
"Charles A. Scott's Diary Of The Utah Expedition, 1857 - 1861"
[Utah Historical Quarterly]
Bibliography from University of Utah Library
Johnston, Conner and The Mormons
Camp Floyd in Retrospect
State Department Territorial Papers, Utah Series
The Utah Expedition
Utah Expedition, 1857-1858 "Letters of Capt. Jesse A
Gove, 10th Inf."
County Government of the Provisional State of Deseret
U.S. Soldiers Invade Utah
Early Days in Cedar Valley
Utah Expedition "Account by a Wagon Master"
Utah Expedition, a documentary account
Journal of Captain Albert Tracy (1858-1860)
The Utah War
The Mormon War
The Mormon Conflict
Army Exploration of the American West
Camp Floyd
Camp Floyd
Utah Census - Utah County - Spanish Fork (1860)
(film # 805,314)
page 239: no Flavel's listed
no Mary listed with Elias Jones family (she was probably
living at Camp Floyd at that time)
Camp Floyd is not listed in the 1860 Utah County, Utah census returns
(checked by National Archives) Camp Floyd was located in Cedar County
at the time.
History of Spanish Fork by Warner {979.224/Sp 24w
page 120: John L. Butler, Bishop of Spanish Fork Ward
from 1856 to April 10, 1860 (his death) -
prominent in early church history [if he kept a
journal it might contain a marriage reference to
Mary Jones and Thomas Flavel if he performed it]
Spanish Fork Cemetary Records (old records)
{film #231,907}
Flavel, William
Father - Thomas Flavel
Mother - Mary Jones
When Born - 12 Feb. 1860
Where Born - Fairfield, Utah (across the street from
Camp Floyd)
Died - 29 July 1921
Buried - Spanish Fork
Spanish Fork (formerly Palmyra) Ward Records, Utah County, Utah, book A:
baptisms, births, marriages and deaths, 1859-1869
FHL #: US/CAN BOOK AREA; 979.224/S3
Utah County Marriage Records
FHL #: 482,940+
Nevada Directory (1862)
No Flavel's listed; however several John Jones' are listed in Carson Valley
Letter written from Carson City 22 July 1861
(original in possession of Lois M. Larsen)
Carson City
Nevada Territory
July 22nd 1861
My dear Mary,
It seems to me almost a hopeless task to try
to get a letter from you. I wrote to you by the Pony
Express from the station where I found Bill Thomas, and
twice from a place called Chinatown where I have been at
work for the last six weeks, but to save my soul I could
get no answer; and more than likely I would have had no
word for months to come had I not made a special trip on
foot twelve miles to the post office and there accidently
learned that your Uncle John ...... will have about $50-
saved when we are paid off and calculates by next spring
to have saved enough to bring you to me, and have a little
house for you when you come. Your Uncle John desires me to
say to your father that he is glad to have heard from him.
He is doing very well about seven miles from this place,
(Carson). He says he has lost by the grasshoppers about
35 acres of grain but that the hay and potatoes will pay
well for his whole years work. The valley he lives in is
the prettiest for its size I ever looked at, the land is
rich, wood is to any amount of beautiful pine within two
hundred yards of his house, and although they have to
irrigate they have not half the ....
[See Image: side 1]
[See Image: side 2]
{only half the letter is intact - where it was folded
in half. Mary's uncle John Jones crossed the plains
with the family in 1856. Chinatown was later renamed
Dayton. Eagle Valley is near Dayton and Carson}
Correspondance with Nevada State Division of Health, Section of Vital Statistics:
State records were not centralized until July 1, 1911. County records are not
available prior to 1887.
Correspondance with Diocese of Reno-Las Vegas:
The only records they have are baptism records.
Correspondance with Virginia City Parish "St. Mary's in the Mountains":
Dayton records were not kept at Virginia City whose own Parish records were
destroyed by fire in 1875.
Correspondance with Dayton Cemetary Committee:
No Thomas Flavel listed in their records. No records at all for 1861.
Nevada history extracts:
- "At the mouth of Gold Canyon a small settlement, first known as Chinatown
and later as Dayton arose."
- "More permanent were the Mormon farmers, who in 1851 selected adjacent
Eagle Valley as the site for an irrigation project and hired one hundred
Chinese to help dig the ditches."
- "In July, 1866 the people of Dayton sustained heavy loses by fire. The
office of the Lyon County 'Sentinel' was destroyed." [Newspaper wasn't
founded until 16 Apr 1864] Nevada Newspaper Indexes
- "Dayton, the present county seat, is at the mouth of the gulch, or stream,
which runs from the Bonanza mines to the Carson River, and at the end of the
twenty-mile desert across the Great Bend of the Carson, and seven miles from
Gold Hill. It has had an existence since 1849, but for ten years previous to
the discovery of silver was only a straggling hamlet, bearing the name of
Chinatown, in consequence of the Chinese engaged in washing the gravel of
the ravine for gold, being the most numerous of any nationality. The present
name was determined at a public meeting held for that purpose November 3,
1861." to see photos of Dayton, Click Here
- Carson River is about 30 feet wide and 3 to 4 feet deep.
- 10 to 12 mills were located on the river.
- 1860 census showed 68 people living in Chinatown. There were 651 Irish in
all of Nevada and 3 soldiers had drowned.
History of Nevada )
with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers
(Thompson & West, Oaskland, Cal 1881) p. 321
C.C. Goodwin....built a quartz mill a few miles below Dayton, putting a
small fortune into its construction. When the mill was nearly completed the
owner announced a "warming" and was making preparations to celebrate the
event after the manner of the sage-brush, when a freshet swept it away,
with his fortune, a wreak. At the same time six of his men were drowned.
Dayton Nevada (photogtraphs)
Dayton Cemetery Records
Nevada Cemetery Records
Nevada State Archives
Ann Jane Flavell b. 25 Nov 1865 @ Tartaraghan, Armagh, Ireland
Elizabeth Flavill b. 24 Dec 1653 @ Derry Cathedral, Templemore,
Londonderry, Ireland
Elizabeth Flavell b. 13 Dec 1866 @ Portadown, Armagh, Ireland
Essy Flavel b. 22 Aug 1867 @ Tanderagee District, Armagh,
Esther Flavell b. 2 Jun 1867 @ Portadown, Armagh, Ireland
Francis Flavell b. 26 Aug 1867 @ Tartaraghan, Armagh, Ireland
George Flavel md. 8 Oct 1846 @ Drumcree, Armagh, Ireland
Henry Flavell chr. 2 Nov 1656 @ Derry Cathedral, Templemore,
Londonderry, Ireland
Martha Fleavill chr. 23 Sep 1684 @ Derry Cathedral, Templemore,
Londonderry, Ireland
Mary Jane Flaville b. 19 Feb 1865 @ Portadown, Armagh, Ireland
Robert Flavell chr. 16 Jul 1643 @ Derry Cathedral, Templemore,
Londonderry, Ireland
Sarah Gilpin Flaville b. 8 Feb 1866 @ Portadown, Armagh, Ireland
Thomas Flavell md. 1665 @ Derry Cathedral, Templemore,
Londonderry, Ireland
Thomas Flavell born: abt. 1824 md. Rosa Keers 27 Mar 1849 in Finvoy,
Antrim, Ireland
Thomas Henry Flavell b. 13 Jan 1865 @ Tartarghan, Armagh, Ireland
Wesley Flavel md. 9 Feb 1846 @ Mullavilly, Armagh, Ireland
Wesley Flavell b. 3 Nov 1865 @ Tartaraghan, Armagh, Ireland
Flavel Mailing List
Flavel/Flavell One Name Studies
History Index
Dennis Larsen
utahdlarsen@ sisna.com
10890 Bohm Place
Sandy, UT 84094
United States