THOMAS FLAVEL He came to Utah as an enlisted soldier (a bookkeeper) in Johnston's Army arriving in July, 1858. After his discharge in 1860 he went to Nevada from where he was last heard (1861).
ELIAS JONES FAMILY DAN JONES (5th wagon) COMPANY The Company was later taken over by Captain John A. Hunt. The company left from Iowa City, Iowa on 1 Aug 1856 and arrived in Salt Lake on 10-15 Dec 1856. The family made their permanent home in Spanish Fork.ELIAS JONES GROUP Elias Jones age 46 daughter, Mary Jones age 18 son, John Jones age 15 son, Llewellyn Jones age 12 daughter, Ann Jones age 10 son, Elias Jones age 8 daughter, Ruth Jones age 6 son, Thomas Jones age 4 The daughter Hannah Jones (age 2) died 28 May 1856 and was buried in Cleveland, Ohio. Elias Jones also had a brother, John Jones, who came west eventually settling in Nevada.
WILLIAM CHRISTMAS FAMILY William Christmas age 50 wife, Elizabeth Roach Christmas age 40 daughter, Elizabeth Christmas age 17 son, Luther Christmas age 14 daughter, Jemima Christmas age 13 daughter, Mary Ann Christmas age 10 daughter, Rosetta Christmas age 7 The family came to Utah under the leadership of Elias Morris, being the first company of Saints to come on the newly completed transcontinental railroad. They arrived in Ogden on 25 Jun 1869, making their final home in Spanish Fork. Excerpt from "Our Pioneer Heritage" p. 367-368 "People Who Came on the First Trains" Daughters of the Utah Pioneers THE FIRST COMPANY Safely Arrived. - The first fruits of this year's immigration from Europe reached Ogden last evening at five o'clock. They left Liverpool on the steamship "Minnesota" on the 2nd instant, under the charge of Elder Elias Morris , late president of the Welsh district, the greater part of the company being from the Welsh principality. A little more than three weeks has brought them the whole distance of the weary way that once took the best part of the year to travel. This being the first company which has come all the way across the continent from the Atlantic to Utah on the Great Highway, their journey will long be remembered as inaugurating an epoch in our history. Early this morning the greater portion of the immigrants had found homes, numbers leaving to settle in the northern counties of the Territory. Deseret News, June 28, 1869 Elias Morris, pioneer of 1852, was called by his church in 1865, to return to his native land as a missionary. In 1868 he was appointed to preside over the entire mission of Wales, a position he filled with honor for one year. After receiving his release in early June of 1869, he was placed in charge of over three hundred Saints who were emigrating to Utah. Arraving at Omaha, June 23, 1869, President Morris telegraphed President Young as follows: "Will take the cars for the west at six o'clock this evening; we expect to be in Ogden on Friday." This was the first company of Saints to travel over the newly completed railroad. Following is the list of passengers in the Morris company: ..... William, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Luther, Jemima, Mary A. and Rosetta Christmas;
JOHN ROACH THOMAS C.D. HOWELLS COMPANY The company left from Kanesville, Iowa on 7 Jun 1852 arriving in Salt Lake City on 27 Sep 1852. John Roach age 64 son, William Roach age 19 According to family records, John Roach is buried in the Salt Lake Cemetary. His wife died in Wales.
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