Autobiography of Christian J. Larsen, con't.

(March 11, 1852 - June 9, 1852)
11th.   Jens Hansen and I went to Hemmerslov and we held meeting there in the

     12th.   We visited some families and conversed with them about the Gospel, and
we then went to Frustrup where we held a meeting in the evening at J. Hansen's
family.  We felt much blessed.

     13th.  We went to Thyrrose and found a family there to whom we talked upon the
Gospel.  The woman believed our testimony and she desired to be baptized, but her
husband was very unreasonable and he seemed, at times, to be possessed of evil
spirits.  In the evening we had an opportunity to talk to the Deacon of the village, in
the presence of a number of other people, and we remained there that night.

     14th, Sunday.  After having conversed with some people about the Gospel,  we
proceeded to the village of Hasmark, where we tried to obtain a place wherein to
hold meeting, and finally we found a good Samaritan, who took us in and we had an
enjoyable time there; we next went to Egeuse, where I baptized four persons, and
after having instructed them in their duties and obligations as saints, I confirmed
them by the ordinance of laying on of hands, and also blessed three of their children.
Stayed with those people over night and we felt very much blessed.

     15th.  We held a very good meeting in the next village and afterwards we went to
Hasbeck, where lived a family who had asked for baptism, but when we got there, we
found that they had changed their mind and we did not succeed in converting them, so
we went away to Trustrup Mark, arriving at Brother Hans Jorgensen's about midnight.

     16th.  I called a meeting of the saints who lived in that locality and organized them
into a branch of the church under the name of the Korup Branch, and I ordained
Brother Niels Jansen a Teacher, to take charge of them, when Elder William
Andersen and Jens Hansen could not be present with them. A brother Mith Karet was
sustained as clerk pro tem.  We administered and partook of the sacrament and then
closed the meeting.

     17th.  I went to Roilemose to Brother Lars Jensen, where I held a meeting in the
evening and spoke to the saints, encouraging them in their faith and good works.

     18th.  I wrote a letter to Elder J.  E.  Forsgreen, and afterwards I went to Rasmus
Nielsen, where we held a meeting in the evening.  Some strangers were present and
we had a good deal of the spirit with us.

     19th.  I wrote letters to Brother C.  Christiansen and K.H. Bruhn, and afterwards
crossed over to Fredericia, where I attended a meeting in the evening and spoke to
the saints.

     20th, Saturday.   I visited a man, by name,  Christoffer, whose wife had requested
baptism, and I talked with him for a long time, but he would not permit her to have
that privilege.

     21st, Sunday.  I spoke in the meeting, prayer meetings, both forenoon and
afternoon.  Brother Ebbe Jessen performed the ordinance of baptism in the evening.

     22nd,  After having visited a few families, I started on my way to the home of
my parents.

     23rd.  I wrote letters to Christen Larsen and Amanson   My father made me .
a present of a pair of boots.

     24th,  My brother Lauritz and I went to visit some saints in Ostemgaard, and
we had a conversation with them and the family owners, but the man was very
contentious and would not give in   From there we went to Store Lihme.

     25th  We visited the saints in their homes, also visited a family by name, Worg.
The wife desired baptism, but her husband would not permit her.

     26th.  I visited the saints and held a meeting with them in the evening, speaking
to them upon the principles of love and union.  This meeting was held in the house
of Brother Niels Larsen, and I there administered to Brother C. Christensen.

     27th  After having blessed Sister Gertrud Christensen, we went to my parental
home in Greis.

     28th  In the forenoon we held a prayer meeting and in the afternoon we had a
sacrament meeting.  I spoke in both meetings.

     29th.  I went to Fredericia and I found opportunities to converse with several
strangers about our doctrine.

     30th.  I crossed over to Fyen (the island) and found opportunities to talk with
several, very religious Lutherans about the Gospel.

     31st.  I wrote letters to President Forsgreen, P.O. Hansen and J.A. Ahmanson.

APRIL, 1852

     1st.   I attended a council meeting in the evening and spoke to the brethren concern-
ing their duties.

     2nd.  This day I was occupied in some temporal work yet conversed with a few
friends on the Gospel.

     3rd.  I went to Rasmus Nielsen, and held meeting in the evening at Lars Jensen's.
Elder H. P. Jensen had come to attend the conference in Fredericia, which was to
convene on the 8th and 9th of this month.  I did some preaching in that meeting.

     4th.  We held a meeting in Fredericia and Elder H. P. Jensen spoke, giving us
some very good council. We partook of the sacrament and a good influence of the
spirit was felt and the paints were full of joy.  I also spoke in that meeting.

     5th.  I wrote a letter to my girl and afterwards Brother Jensen and I visited some
of the saints.

     6th and 7th.  Visited the saints in the city of Fredericia and also some in Fynen
including some strangers.

     8th.   The conference was opened at 10 a. m. that day.  Elders Ahmanson had
arrived from Slagelse, and in the afternoon Elder Forsgreen arrived from Copenhagen.
A large congregation of saints were present and many of the brethren spoke, besides
President Forsgreen, H. P. Jensen and I, and we had a very enjoyable time.

     9th.  The conference re-convened at 10 a. m. by singing and prayer, and I took
charge of the proceedings and all the necessary business and accepted and carried in
harmony and unitedly -- one of them was the establishment of "The Perpetual Fund"
to assist worthy members of the church, and the saints exhibited great liberality  in
their donations to that fund.  The spirit of God was present in great measure and the
speakers were much blessed in their efforts to reach the hearts of the saints.  Brother
Jens Hansen was ordained an Elder and Rasmus Nielsen was ordained a deacon,
Pres. Forsgreen, H. P. Jensen and I officiating.  We also confirmed three persons
by the laying on of hands and the meeting was finally adjourned by singing and prayer.
Some of us afterwards met outside in a field, where we imparted one another some of
our experiences in the mission labor, and we held prayer also, and President
Forsgreen gave us much interesting information about conditions among the saints
in Zion.

     10th, Sunday.  I attended meeting both in the forenoon and in the afternoon, and
I spoke in both.  There were many strangers present and we enjoyed much of the
good spirit.  Elder H. P. Jensen started for Schleswig at noon today.

     11th.   We held a council meeting in the forenoon and Brother Niels Johansen was
deprived of his priesthood on account of unchristian conduct.  President Forsgreen
gave us much valuable instruction.  In the afternoon we held a public meeting and
President Forsgreen and several other brethren spoke, I wrote two letters.

     12th.  President Forsgreen and I went to Greis to my parents.  We had a
conversation with the chief of the harbor of Veile, explaining to him our faith and
other things.  His name was Hansen.

     13th.  I went to my uncle on mother's side and conversed with him upon the
principles of the gospel for a long time, but he was very contentious and stubborn and
condemned our doctrines as false and I wished that I had not visited him, although he
was so near related. His name is Morten Sorensen, in Sinbjerg, and I left his house
with sorrow in my heart, yet I felt that I had performed my duty towards him and his
family, presenting to them the gospel and testifying that it was indeed the doctrine of
Jesus Christ.  From there I returned home to my parents.

     14th.  My brother Lauritz and I visited some of the saints in Vennelov, and from
there we went to a Baptist minister, Peter Hermansen. in Timshouse, and had a long
conversation with him about the Gospel.  He said that he would have been pleased if
we had not come to his house with our doctrine, and that it caused him pain and unrest
in his soul to hear us; yet he gave us something to eat and lodgings for the night.

     15th.  We started from there for Store Lihme and called on several families as
we went along, speaking to them about the gospel. Arriving in Store Lihme, we held
a meeting at Brother Christen Larsen's.  President Forsgreen and Johannes Larsen
were there, and Forsgreen and I spoke in that meeting.

     16th.  There had existed some difficulties among the saints, which we succeeded
in settling.  We also blessed two children who were sick and also a woman and her
daughter were blessed for sickness.

     17th.  President Forsgreen and Johannes Larsen went to Greis and I remained
and wrote a letter to P. 0. Hansen in Copenhagen.

     18th.  We held a meeting in the house of Jens Jensen in Sikern Skov (forest), in
the forenoon, and I did the speaking.  In the afternoon we held a prayer meeting.
A brother Mads Christensen, was excommunicated for unchristianlike conduct, as
he would not repent.  Sister Anna Maria in Store Lihme gave me some money for
traveling expenses.  May God bless her.

     19th.  We went to Balle and had a talk with Sister Karen, and we advised her to
set a good example before her husband so that she might bring him back again into
the church.  We also talked a great deal with him.  From there we went to Greis and
later on Pres. Forsgreen and I went to Brother Rasmus Johansen in Tirsbeck.

     20th.  Pres.  Forsgreen and I went to Fredericia and wrote a letter to A. Agreen.

     21st.  I wrote a letter to Brother Ahmanson.  K.H.  Bruhn stayed in Fynen over

     22nd.  President Forsgreen started for Copenhagen and Jens Larsen and I
accompanied one Danish mile on the way.

     23rd.  This day I fasted and attended a council meeting, speaking to the brethren
about their special duties in the priesthood.  One of the sisters gave me a dollar.
I also, this day, wrote a letter to my girl.

     24th.  I also fasted that day and studied.

     25th, Sunday.  I met with the saints in Fredericia and admonished them to be
faithful in performing their duties, while I would be absent as I was going to attend
conference in Aalborg  We were greatly blessed in that meeting.  Later I started
for Greis and reached the home of my parents about eleven o'clock in the night.

     26th.  I wrote letters to Elder P. 0. Hansen in Copenhagen and S. Nielsen, the
same city, and to Elder Chr. Christiansen in Aalborg, stating to him that I did not
feel that it was the will of God that I should attend conference there.

     27th.  I wrote letters to President Forsgreen and to S. Thomson, and afterwards
I went to Store Lihme and held a meeting there in the evening. There existed some
difficulties between Christen Larsen and Sister Karen Balle, but succeeded in
settling them and a good spirit and feeling was again established and they humbled
themselves and forgave each other.

     28th.  I visited several of the saints in their homes.

     29th.  I administered to Brother Hemmesen's wife and daughter, who were sick.
In the evening I held a meeting at Niels Larsen's and settled some difficulties between
Christen Larsen and Sister Anna Maria, but it took a great deal of talk to make them
yield and become reconciled to each other -" only by the assistance of the spirit of
God was it accomplished; for creating strife and contentions among the saints there.

     30th.  Elder William Andersen and I visited some of the saints in their homes,
admonishing them to live in peace and union with one another as saints of God should
do.  Brother Jens Petersen and his wife acknowledged that they had sinned by not
living in harmony together, and asked forgiveness, at the same time asking us to
bless them, which we did, and they seemed to be very humble and grateful.  We went
from there to my father's home in Greis, but after we had retired the house was
attacked by a mob and pelted with stones, breaking some lights in the windows and
doing other damage, wherefore my father went outdoors and talked to them in a
friendly tone, but it made no impression upon them, seemingly, yet they did not comrn
any further trouble and went away.  Next morning we found a big pile of rock at the

MAY, 1852

     1st.   I went to the saints in Tirsbeck and stayed there for the night.

     2nd.  I held a meeting there in the forenoon and spoke to them; afterwards I went
to my parents in Greis and had a sacrament meeting.  I did the instructive speaking.

     3rd.  I worked in some temporal labor; also 4th and 5th in the same way.

     6th.  I went to the brethren in Red Mills and in Tirsbeck and encouraged them.
I visited Brother Niels Beck and had a talk with him; he was much troubled and
stubborn in his feelings, however.

     7th.  I fasted that day and held a meeting in the house of my parents, and I
enjoyed much of the spirit of God, in speaking.  I received about 5 or 6 dollars
(Danish) to help me on my trip to the island of Falster, having been called by the
Presidency in Copenhagen to go there to encourage the saints who were much
persecuted by mobs, and two of the brethren had been very badly maltreated by mobs.
I went with the saints to Tirsbeck and stayed there over night.

     8th.  I went to Fredericia and there I received a  letter from President Forsgreen.
which I answered right away.  In the evening I attended a council meeting and spoke to
the brethren.

     9th.  I fasted that day and attended a meeting and spoke there to the saints
concerning the necessity of being united in feelings and to love one another.  I wrote
letters to my girl and also to N. R. Beck.

     10th.  I wrote a  letter to Elder P. 0. Hansen, and afterwards I was to a wedding
at Lars Jensen's, where I performed the marriage ceremony to Sophia and Lars
Andersen.  Sophia was the daughter of Lars Jensen.  A number of relatives, not
members of the church, were present and had a good opportunity to talk to them.
My brother. Christen, who was in military service and quartered in the neighborhood,
also talked on this occasion, and we had a very enjoyable time together.

     11th.   I crossed over to Fredericia and visited some of the saints there,  and
returned to Fynen.

     12th.  Elder William Andersen and I went to Thurstrup field and we held meeting
with the saints  who lived there.  I spoke upon the necessity of the saints living a
holy life and thus to be as a light to the world.  One brother was excommunicated
from the church.

     13th.  Brother Jens Hansen and I started for the city of Svenborg, but we did
not reach farther than to a village Naering, where we came in conversation  with a
number of the Orthodox Lutherans, and the parish superintendent called us a devil,
"yet," said he, "If it was not that he was aware of our personal possession of bodies,
he would think that we were the identical devil himself, but he knew that the devil
did not have a body," said he, "It might be that Joseph Smith was, for he had not
seen him." We continued talking with those people till midnight, proving by the
scriptures that our doctrine was in perfect harmony with holy writ, but it was to no
avail, and we left them with our testimony of new revelation and Joseph Smith as
prophet of the Lord.

     14th.  We went from these people over to the neighboring island of Taasing, and
had a conversation there upon the principles of the gospel, and we had intended to
remain in that island some days, but learning that the steamer would leave Svenborg
the following morning, at 5 o'clock, I made up my mind to proceed to the island of
Falster by that boat.

     15th.  At that time I went on board and there I met a friend, Mr. Malery, a
well-to-do man, from Copenhagen, who gave me two dollars (Danish) to defray some
of my travelling expenses, and also an address to his sister who was the wife of a
clergyman in Nykoping. We landed in the town of Gaabense, and I proceeded at once
to Nykoping on Falster.  I had never been in that island before, and as the people
had lately been in a great uproar concerning the Mormons and badly maltreated some
of the missionaries and committed a great deal of mob violence upon the saints,
threatening to drive all Mormons from the island, I recognized the hand of God in
bringing this friend, Mr. Malery, just at that time, to my assistance, in giving me
directions how to travel, without asking anybody at the landing, and thereby expose
my incognito. I reached the parson, Mr. Sedelius, about noon and soon we came in
conversation about the gospel, but he was very much opposed to our doctrine, yet he
invited me to stay and have dinner with him, which invitation I declined, because I
did not know how far I had yet to go to find certain friends  and avoid being detected
by our enemies on the way.  I therefore, set out for Urup Gaard, a big estate, where
I found Sister Ludvigsen.  It was then about evening, and when night came and it was
dark, Priest Johan Svenson, the missionary, came there, which was just what I had
prayed to the Lord, for, so that I might have him to guide me around among the saints
in that island.  We administered to Sister Ludvigsen, who was sick, and visited a
few saints  living in that neighborhood, and we were intending to go to Falkerslev,
but the saints told us that some brethren from that village had been there and told
that the mob had been in Falkerslev several nights, breaking windows and doors and
committed other damage on the property of the saints, and these brethren had, there-
fore, advised that the missionaries ought to stay away for a while.  In this, I again
discerned the hand of kind Providence, because I had not any other address to the
saints in Falster that Peter Thomsen in Falkerslev, when I started for that island,
and my providential meeting with that Mr. Malery on the steamer in Svenborg was
the means of preventing me from falling into the hands of our enemies, as Falkerslev
was only one hour's walk from Gaabense, but the spirit had guided me in taking the
best way.  We went to some of the saints in the village of Orslev and remained there
for the night.

     16th, Sunday.  I wrote a letter to my betrothed girl and visited and encouraged
the saints.

     17th.  We started for Brother Peter Thomson's place  in Falkerslev, after
midnight, about 1:30 a. m. and arrived there in safety, by the break of day.  I wrote
a letter to J. Larsen in Breis.

     18th.  We spoke comforting words to the saints and endeavored to strengthen them
in their faith and patience during their severe trials and mob persecutions, and they
seemed to appreciate my visit among them very much. We left them in the evening,
after dark, and returned to Orslev.

     19th.  We arrived at Orslev in the morning and also there we endeavored to
comfort and strengthen the saints in faith and perseverance, and we also conversed
with some strangers about the gospel.

     20th.  I held a meeting with the saints, living on the estate Urup Gaard, talked
and prayed with them, and these saints expressed themselves very grateful for my
visit and mission among them.  Brother Johan Svensen and I left them, after dark,
and proceeded to Orslev, where we arrived in safety.

     21st.  We crossed over to the neighboring island, Lolland, to the village Thorsby,
where I visited both saints and strangers, preaching the word of God to them, and
blessing them.

     22nd.  I wrote a letter to Elder P. 0. Hansen, and in the evening we held a
meeting with the saints, admonishing them to faithfulness.

     23rd, Sunday.  We held a meeting at a man's home, called Niels Langelander.
I talked, encouraging the saints to faithfulness and we also partook of the sacrament
together, and some strangers were present to whom I preached.  A good spirit was
with us, and we all felt much edified.  In the evening two missionaries, Jens
Jorgensen and Nielsen arrived from the outlying country, and when they learned
our intention to leave next day for the island of Toasing and Langeland, they prevailed
to the saints and converse in social chat.

     24th.  We had a very enjoyable time together, in chat and singing, and towards
evening it was decided by lot who should go to Falster and ordain Brother Johan
Svensen to be an Elder and Brother Peter Thomsen to be Teacher, and also to hold
meeting with the saints in Falkerslev, and it fell in my lot to go there.  When
darkness set in, we proceeded towards the ferry, but on the way Brother Svensen
made us aware of the fact that he was known to all of them and that they were all very
hateful towards the Mormons, and he was therefore afraid of trouble with them.
I felt impressed that the Lord would shield us and blind the eyes of our enemies so
that they should do us no harm and that we thus would reach Falster unmolested.
We arrived at the ferry about 12 o'clock night, and just a few minutes before we
arrived, a heavy thunder storm came on, with rain and vivid lightning, such as  I
have never experienced before, and the rain poured down in torrents, which made
the ferrymen and everybody else very busy taking care of themselves, and thus nobody
said a word to us there, or on the other side of the sound, in the town, which we had
to pass through, and it became so dark that we could only with difficulty find the path
through a soft meadow, that we would take in order to avoid the Estate, where most
of the mob were, who had done so much trouble for Brother Thomson in Falkerslev.
We were thus compelled to stay on this meadow nearly an hour, protected under an
umbrella from the drenching rain, but finally it cleared off and we reached our
destination about 3 o'clock in the morning.

     25th.  After being provided with dry under clothing we went to bed and slept till
about noon that day and Sister Thomson provided us other dry clothes.  In the evening
we held a meeting till late in the night, and spoke to the saints and we partook of the
sacrament together, and I was led by the spirit of God to say that henceforth their
troubles from the mob would decrease and the saints soon would be able to hold their
meetings in the day time unmolested.  I ordained Brother Johan Svenson an Elder and
Brother Peter Thomson a teacher in that meeting.  I will here state that eighteen
months after that day, when we met in Copenhagen, Sister Thomson said to me that
what she called my prophecy had been literally fulfilled, for they had not trouble with
the mob since that time.

     26th.  I received some money for travelling expenses from the saints and bid
them farewell, much impressed with gratitude towards God and the saints that all
went so well. Brother Thomson had his hired man take me to Gaabense by his team
and from there I took the steamer for Copenhagen, where I arrived at 4 P.M. the
same day, and was hailed welcome by the brethren.

     27th.  I visited among some of the saints, and attended a meeting in the evening
and by request of the branch president, I spoke and enjoyed much freedom of spirit.

     28th.  I wrote a letter to my girl and made preparations for returning home.

     29th.  I went on board the steamer "Liana" at 6 a. m. for Fredericia and arrived
there at 6 P.M. the same day.  I had a conversation on board with two of our sisters,
who had left the church, one, by name Dorthea, had been excommunicated while I
was away, and the other one, whose name was Jacobsen, but could have no influence
with them to turn back to the fold.  They were too full of darkness and uttered many
wicked accusations against the church and the brethren.  I tried my best to convince
them of their errors and bring them into the light, but with no success.

     30th.  I held a council meeting and Brother Jacobsen and some of his family had
been summoned before that council to answer for their conduct in accusing me falsely
and against the "Scandinavian Star" and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants doctrines,
and they were very much in the dark, both the father and the mother and their son,
and they had tried in every way to create disaffection and strife among the saints and
even tried to disturb the meeting.  I bade him be quiet and then he sat down, and I
asked the people if any one present had heard me say or do anything improper or wrong
such as Jacobsen had accused me of.  Then I would take it back and make everything
right with them, and ask their forgiveness, if in any way I had been a stumbling block
in their course.  Jacobsen answered that I was  one of them of whom Paulus had said,
that would come in the last days, who would teach vain things and deceive many, etc.
I endeavored to bring them to see the danger of yielding to an accusing spirit, that would
lead them to bear false witness against and backbite their brethren and sisters, and the
church of which they were members, through baptism, and I warned them that if they
would not repent and ask forgiveness, they would even lose what light there was left in
them. but they only got more angry and continued their accusations so much that they
thereby disturbed the meeting.  I then moved that Brother Jacobsen's certificate as a
teacher was cancelled, and all sustained that motion, except Lars Jensen and Lars
Andersen.  I then laid before the saints the danger that was in partaking of such a
spirit and to sustain false accusers of the brethren.  I had that time a very hard struggle
in my feelings, especially by finding that one or two of the brethren that I had placed
confidence in did not stand by me, yet it did not take long before they saw their mistake
and repented.  I can truly say that the Lord and our Father stood by me that day and
after singing a hymn, the meeting was dismissed by prayer of C.G. Larsen, and I
crossed over to Fynen.

     31st.  We again held a meeting in Fredericia, and Jacobsen and his (wife) were
present at the beginning but after singing and prayer, and just when I had commenced
to speak, they both left the hall.  My remarks were directed to saints, showing them
the necessity of being united and loving one another and I felt much blessed by the
spirit of light and darkness, such as it was demonstrated the previous day, and they all
felt to rejoice.  We partook of the sacrament together.  After the meeting I crossed
over to Fynen, and I wrote a letter to the Presidency, asking for one of them to come
over to my support in these difficulties.

JUNE, 1852

     1st and 2nd.  I fasted and besides I did not feel quite well.

     3rd.  Brother K.H. Bruhn and I were in Fredericia and we visited the Jacobsen
family and endeavored to bring them to see their error and to repent, but they remained
just as stubborn as ever, and we were forced to abandon the task.  We returned to
Fynen, and baptized Maren Andersen.

     4th.  That day I studied by reading and in the evening I attended a prayer meeting.

     5th.  I visited Sister Cecilia Kristine and encouraged her to faithfulness.  In after-
noon, Elder P. 0. Hansen arrived by steamer from Copenhagen and it was a happy
meeting to both of us.

     6th.  We held a meeting and the case of Jacobsen came up for consideration, but
he was just as stubborn as previously, and the case was therefore laid over, to come
before the next regular council meeting, in order to give him sufficient time for
reflection, that perhaps he might get the spirit and see his error and repent.  The
president of the branch. Brother Lars Jensen was away, so that was also a cause for
this postponement.  Afterwards we had a very good meeting and Elder P. 0. Hansen and
I spoke to the saints.  We then confirmed Maren Andersen.

     7th.  Elder P. 0. Hansen and I -went to the saints in Tirsbeck and stayed there over

     8th.  We went to Greis and had a happy time in the home of my parents that evening.

     9th.  We went to Store Lihme and visited the saints in their homes.



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